Israel-Palestine Conflict

There is long-standing antisemitism in the UK. Where I live there are two golf clubs. The second exists because Jews were not allowed to join the first. Many people here, particularly the Upper Class, thought Hitler was great right up to 1939.

But of course remember that its Muslim and Hindu people who refuse to "integrate" whatever that means. I good means of learning some understanding is to get your head around Brick Lane. Jews escaping pogroms replaced or absorbed Jews fleeing Nazism were replaced by Irish people who in turn have been replaced by Indian and Pakistani people. Why? Availability thats why. These people came to the UK seeking refuge and would do any job to survive so of course they congregated where was available and cheap. The area gets a reputation and the residents move out vacating for someone else. Very often they aspire to move to somewhere where they feel "amongst their own" and of course thats jumped on as gehttoisation by the usual suspects.

Don't a lot of London cabbies live or aspire to live out Epping way?
There’s two or three posters that trawl the web to look for extreme opinions from the Israeli right with a view to making it look like it reflects a general consensus. Then they complain when others say that Hamas reflects Palestine and post extremist Palestinian content. In reality they’re all wrong and it’s not helpful posting that shite on here. Should leave it on Twitter.
He's a minister in the Israeli government. Has Netanyahu sacked him for what we said (or any of the others saying similar things in the name of the government)?
I can't find that poll can you post a direct link and hopefully the methodology used

I have stated earlier in this thread that there is deep underlying insecurity among Israelis which considering Jewish history is understandable, contrary to what some believe the vast majority have nowhere else to go they were born there and all their family live there, that groups like Hamas and countries like Iran issue blood curdling threats just adds to the siege mentality

None of this however justifies the appalling destruction being done to gaza and the loss of innocent civilian life, but understanding the context is important
Understanding that these things didn't happen in a vacuum. The context is a century and a half of Zionist colonialism in Palestine.

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