Israel-Palestine Conflict

He's a minister in the Israeli government. Has Netanyahu sacked him for what we said (or any of the others saying similar things in the name of the government)?
Another reason why Netanyahu is a ****.

Doesn’t change my point. The fact that he’s a government minister doesn’t mean he reflects the general Israeli view in the same way as the government of Gaza (Hamas) not necessarily reflecting the Palestinian majority consensus.
Another reason why Netanyahu is a ****.

Doesn’t change my point. The fact that he’s a government minister doesn’t mean he reflects the general Israeli view in the same way as the government of Gaza (Hamas) not necessarily reflecting the Palestinian majority consensus.
That may be, but unless you can say what Israel's ultimate war aims are, it's a bit unfortunate that what "extremists" are saying should happen is starting to look awfully like what is happening.
Someone on here said, a while back, that it's not a left right issue. But it does seem to me that you can pretty much guess which side a person is on if you know their basic political slant.
I admire Gabor Mate and knew that despite being a holocaust survivor himself, his humanity would lead him to criticise the actions of the Israeli state.
In the same way I was unsurprised that his fellow Canadian psychologist, Jordan Peterson would be pro Israel.
Fucks sake M&S - founded in part by a Jewish man - anti-semetic.

This whole M&S thing sums up everything that is wrong with social media and bandwagon jumping politics in this country.

It was filmed in fucking August and it’s obviously not a fucking flag of any country. It’s three red, silver and green Christmas hats!

M&S should’ve told these fuckwits on social media to get a fucking grip.

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