Israel-Palestine Conflict

That can’t do anything other than firm up opposition to the settler movement amongst ordinary Israelis. Israelis support the IDF more than any other institution in Israel (mainly because nearly everyone under 40 is a part of it and everyone will have family members that have been called up), and if a bunch of religious settler zealots are attacking them they’re not going to endear themselves to the sane majority. I’m hopeful that the extremists will be marginalised at the end of this, whereas previously they were out of sight out of mind over the other side of a big wall.
Hamas are a terrorist organisation intent on murder and don’t adhere to international law. We all know that.
However Israel are no saints and never have been.
I’m totally secular and although I understand the circumstances after the Second World War that led to the granting of the Israeli state, I find the idea of setting up a Jewish state and removing the people who already lived there, totally flawed.
Maybe it’s me not understanding Jewish and Judaism. Jewish being a culture perhaps and not a religion, but Ben Gurion declared it a Jewish state, which is non inclusive in my mind.
Regardless though, the neighbours took exception and through war the original borders changed.
Since 1967 however it looks to the objective outside world that there has been an expansionist agenda and every opportunity has been taken, using any excuse no matter how unjustified the objective outside world find it.

Israel are in violation of quite a few international rules.
Have a look.
You may not like the source, but they say where they are drawing information from.
It's an interesting question whether jews are a race, a religion or a culture. I find it hard to wrestle with myself. But I can tell you that in my DNA ancestry test, I'm half Eastern European Jewish (dad's side of the family). The other half is Middle Eastern, from mum's side in Syria. Also jewish, but sephardi which is middle eastern origin jews. The point being if it's actually identified in the DNA that someone is jewish, to me that makes it a race, as well as a culture and a religion. An large percentage of jews are either completely non practising, or practice very little. A proportion of jews are self declared atheists, who don't practice anything. Many of them have very strong jewish identities (in their own words, not just mine). David Baddiel is one of the most well known in that last category

So I don' t think it's easy to give a clear cut answer to that question. However the Nazis wouldn't worry about distinguishing and that's one of the main reasons behind Israel's creation. You're entitled to the opinion that there shouldn't be a jewish state, or to make sure I'm not putting words in your mouth, that you have issues with the way it was done, which was of course down to many countries in the international community. THere's no question there's plenty of criticism can be aimed at the way it happened. I think Israel deserve plenty of criticism for the way they've handled the Palestinians in recent years,, particularly their attitude towards settlements in the West Bank.
No problem, here's the Geneva convention. You should probably start with article 4

They’ve broken Articles 12,13, 14, 21, 33, 45, 46, 47 and 49 for starters. I’m sure a lot more will emerge.
Sure the US could flatten Tehran, but the Iranians could just as easily block the gulf shipping lanes, what would hurt more?

I don't have a problem with your characterisation of the Iranian Regime but you have to remember they are there because of the interference of the US and British governments in Iranian affairs and hoisting a dictator upon them every bit as bad as the current regime

We all know what the key to unlocking all this, its coming up with a just solution to the the Palestinian problem, it's a festering wound in the Middle East and a rallying point for blood thirty fanatics also this conflict is now threatening normalisation in the region

The Iranian issue will have to be sorted out by the Iranian people anything else will be rejected
The single largest reason for the for the lack of democracy across the world is the US habit of toppling democratically elected governments and imposing right wing dictatorships on developing countries. It happens to this day.
Then the Americans wonder why they are so universally hated across the globe.
First class coont,the soldier.
He's not an isolated case.
This is precisely how the IDF operates to suppress and oppress the Palestinians under Israeli occupation.
I could post videos of former IDF soldiers that will admit to systematic abuse of civilian Palestinians by the Israeli military.
It is a fascist apartheid system the Palestinians are having to endure.

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