It’s [Not] Quiet 19 - Txiki’s Cheeky Farewell Presents

Nothing wrong? Lack of concentration more often than not, injuries, lack of recovery pace to the backline, mistakes. Yes our midfield exposes them to attackers, but they seem like sometimes they forgot how to defend.
In no small part to the fact they are all injured. Our defense has been a shit show all season and that's not just down to Rodri. We need some fresh faces who can be relied on and hopefully these two give us that.
Can’t say I know much about any of the three prospective signings (Marmoush, Khusanovc and Reis) but in a way that makes it more exciting, as I don't really know what to expect from them. Either way, it's great to see the club being so proactive in the transfer market (and encouraging in terms of the legal case). Just need to get a defensive midfielder lined up and it'll have been one hell of a window for us. I'd be more than happy with Luiz.
Can’t say I know much about any of the three prospective signings (Marmoush, Khusanovc and Reis) but in a way that makes it more exciting, as I don't really know what to expect from them. Either way, it's great to see the club being so proactive in the transfer market (and encouraging in terms of the legal case). Just need to get a defensive midfielder lined up and it'll have been one hell of a window for us. I'd be more than happy with Luiz.
we must have someone in mind after captain obvious told us last night that we are monitoring the midfield market

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