It's Quiet 16 - Txiki grinders

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Whatever it is they are insisting upon, Mino and Alfie don't like it one bit.

It's a deal that essentially takes him off the market until early 30s.

Haaland doesn't seem a one club man. Interviews he did before saying he would like to play in different leagues so a huge buy out clause scuppers those plans.
As buyout clauses are mandatory over there I'm sure they'll just come to some kind of agreement/middle ground as they'll have known they'd have to negotiate one.

I can understand not wanting to agree to a buyout of Barca proportions but unfortunately it's not some kind of curveball Madrid have tried to throw into negotiations.
My guess would be that Håland camp would want a release clause no higher than around 150M. Anything over that pretty much is like having no release clause at all. Would give him the opportunity to decide his future himself if he fulfills his potential, and the buying club (Real Madrid or us) would still double its money (at least transfer fee wise) if he leaves. If he is happy and wants to stay the release clause is irrelevant since he can just decline any offers from clubs activating it. But it would give him the opportunity to leave if he would want to.
That's my hope, that he may think Madrid might be the wrong moment.

Be only 25/26 when City would need to prepare a sale.

He admires Zlatans career and how he's played for many clubs. He said in a interview its something that fascinates him. With Madrid putting a huge clause that would end any dream of hopping club to club.
He admires Zlatans career and how he's played for many clubs. He said in a interview its something that fascinates him. With Madrid putting a huge clause that would end any dream of hopping club to club.

No club is going to pay £750m release and Madrid also worried about him leaving for free, so trying to stretch the contract duration beyond the norm.
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