i've changed my mind about the manager.

citijin said:
ban-mcfc said:
sunday night i got in pissed up and wrote a thread entitled "mancini has embarrased our club", most of it was the ramblings of a drunk but i stuck by the fact i wanted him out for mourinho - AND FOR THAT I'M REALLY FUCKING SORRY.

now before you call me fickle etc, it was actually before a ball was kicked tonight that i changed my mind. i listened to a few opinions at football last night off fellow blues who wanted to keep him, my dad in the car on the way and the lad who's ST is next to mine (he convinced me the most). i did a lot of thinking before KO.

it's a project manchester city, we're not chelsea, who are pretty much back to where they started in 2004. by 2020 i still want us to be picking up trophies, i want us to be the biggest club in the world, with the next generation of ronaldo's joining us.

mancini has done a great job so far and already won 1 trophy is challenging for the PL. lets give him until the end of his contract next year to see what he's capable of, yes he's amde mistakes but he'll learn, and then the world will be in trouble, not just that shower of shit from trafford.

yes i change my mind more than a stupid teenage girl, yes i'm an idiot etc etc. but at least i'm willing to change my mind rather than be stubborn, i'm very much willing to admit when i'm wrong. i'll say again though IT WAS BEFORE A BALL WAS KICKED TONIGHT.

forza mancini, forza city.

edit: mods please don't merge, i really want to apologaise.
this is really funny. what are you smoking?
if you want to apologize, better send a signed handwritten letter to mancini directly, and attach a translated copy in italian

Its 'apologiSe'....
Captain Oats said:
to the op.

I'd rather you fuck off with the rest of the doom and gloom brigade. Ive been scanning the forum for the past week or so biting my lip looking at the shite being posted about our team and ur posts seemed to crop up in nearly every thread slamming players and management. If we lose you'll be back on it. Support our club and manager or fuck off mate. sick of your drivel you fickle twat.

ha ha, fucking get that BOOT IN!!!!!!


no sympathy here Ban lad, take your punishment like an extra in a Steven Segal film!!!
About 3 mins in to the match crowd started Singing the Mancini song and it gave him and the team a lift. He even came out of the dugout to applaud us. That. Is the level of support we need from now on. Win, lose or draw!
Captain Oats said:
to the op.

I'd rather you fuck off with the rest of the doom and gloom brigade. Ive been scanning the forum for the past week or so biting my lip looking at the shite being posted about our team and ur posts seemed to crop up in nearly every thread slamming players and management. If we lose you'll be back on it. Support our club and manager or fuck off mate. sick of your drivel you fickle twat.

A classic case of The Angry Man.

Posters like you confuse the shit out of me. When I'm happy with things at City, it makes very little difference to me what people are saying on the forums or indeed anywhere else. Sometimes I'll disagree, but I'll always try not to turn it into an internet hate crime.

Anyway, FWIW, I think there'll be lots of flip flopping in the next five games. Better that everyone takes a deep breath and focuses on the rest of the season rather than berating themselves or others for opinions held one way or the other.

I've not really changed my mind and don't expect I will whatever happens between now and the end of the season. There are better men than Mancini out there, so I hope the owners decide to make a change. If they don't however, I won't be shedding any tears because ... well, I support City and just as much I can think a player isn't good enough, but still support him when we play, the same applies to managers.

Also think it's worth people reading something I posted yesterday:

BillyShears said:
I think everyone's getting ahead of themselves. No-one, and I mean no-one at all on this forum, has any idea what the owners will do come the end of the season. What you're seeing is a shift in peoples views on Mancini. More and more people think he should go. There's a subtle difference between that and saying he will go.

Things would be a lot easier if we'd put in a decent performance in the last month!

So all those people slagging off supposed ITK's and just taking random snide potshots at people who you don't agree with would do well to remember that you're being as revisionist as those you accuse of being revisionist.

Time will tell Mancini's fate. Last night we put in a decent performance. For some it'll be too little too late, for others it won't, but ultimately I trust the powers that be to make the decision they think is best for the football club as a whole.

In the title I still believe though .... :)
is this the same op that slates the manager and team when we lose, but when we win were the best, fickle ?

it wasnt a random snide potshot. I'm sick to the back teeth of these idiots that are either attention seeking wankers, or just dont have a clue about football.

2nd in the league, record breaking season, but mancini isnt up to it? get a grip.

There is a group who sit behind me who have been loving it recently because when we are not playing well they are all over it. When I got there yesterday they were already on the mancini out conversation. As soon as we got our goal u heard fuck all from them for the rest of the game. I do not want this type of fan anywhere near our club. I'd rather them piss off over the road where they would fit right in.
black mamba said:
Whatever else you could level at Roberto Mancini , he is likeable , and he looks the part ..... i even think Fergie likes , and respects , him on the quiet !

Sometimes i listen to him an' i wonder what the fuck he's talkin' about , i don't think he even knows himself at times ... but he's learning fast , and it's obvious that the majority of the players respect him ..... even the likes of Balotelli!

i say 'majority' because i take the likes of Tevez into account!

I don't think for one minute that Mancini , or any other manager for that matter , will ever be as successful as Fergie ....... but he could well become Citys greatest ever manager , if he's given the time !

I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment however he has to learn from the mistakes he has made this season which in my mind have been:-

1/ Too narrow at times when we've been crying out for widemen to get down the flanks - you cannot rely on Clichy / Richards bombing up the flanks every game - buy Hazard or Robben in pre-season.
2/ By playing Pantilimon in the Cup derby was a huge and inexplicable decision and a great big whopping mistake - IMO this led to some disappointing defending and decisions leading to the sending off and ultimately the win for Utd giving them a huge psycological advantage for the second half of the season.
3/ Not treating the semi-finals of the Carling Cup as a priority over the league at the time - could have led to another trophy and a great boost for the second half of the season
4/ Playing too defensively at too many away matches - e.g. we needed to WIN at Arsenal after the win for Utd earlier in the day - did we have a shot all match? Same as Swansea and Everton away... no urgency
5/ Playing Savic at CB when it was crying out for Richards in the middle and Savic in his normal RB position if Zabba wasn't available
6/ Playing Kolarov in any match

If he learns from these mistakes then yes, he could be the most successful manager in our history... I hope so!
Captain Oats said:
2nd in the league, record breaking season, but mancini isnt up to it? get a grip.

Leaving out your second Angry Man rant (you should really calm down before you have a seizure mate) - if you think Mancini will be judged solely on his "record breaking season" and being "2nd in the league" then you're wrong. He'll be judged on a whole lot more, but you're of course free to disagree.
BillyShears said:
Captain Oats said:
2nd in the league, record breaking season, but mancini isnt up to it? get a grip.

Leaving out your second Angry Man rant (you should really calm down before you have a seizure mate) - if you think Mancini will be judged solely on his "record breaking season" and being "2nd in the league" then you're wrong. He'll be judged on a whole lot more, but you're of course free to disagree.

No i think he should be judged on more too. Maybe the fantastic football we have played this year? The fact that he has done this with needless player suspensions, African cup of nation, tevez walking out. The fact that he has done this without being an arrogant tosspot that is only in it for himself like someone in madrid.Maybe the fact that all the players and khaldoon seem to respect him as can be seen in every interview?

shall we call this an angry man rant too to avoid any response to the fact that all I'm trying to do is support my team and you just want yet another change to set us back once again?!

now fuck off under your rock again till we lose please


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