Jamie Carragher

Cantona, a striker?! Bale, striker?

He should move in house to the Dippers channel
Well it says Forwards which Bale and Cantona were but it's still utterly stupid, Bale, Hazard and Drogba over Aguero is ridiculous, in fact anyone except Henry, Salah and maybe Shearer over Kun is ridiculous, Ronaldo obviously is the best player of that lot but he only had 3 world class years in England before leaving for Madrid where he had his best years.

Also if you're going to have a Spuds player there, how the fuck do you put Bale over Kane who scored over 200 goals ? Bale shouldn't even be top 30, he had one great season before going to Spain, and Drogba shouldn't be anywhere near top 10 either, he had two high scoring seasons in 8 years and he barely scored double digits in the other ones.

And if you're going to count Hazard and Bergkamp as forwards you might as well count KDB as one since he was at his best high up the pitch, a truly moronic list befitting of this imbecile.

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