Jesus Navas

Good pro with brilliant attitude
Like many here he frustrated the hell out of me at times given his ability to get into great positions only to waste the opportunity...but he did have ability and heart and I will always like him for that.
Great to see him doing so well in the autumn of his career at his home club.
Long may he continue to enjoy his well earned success.
Liked his work ethic, always did his best, which was more than some others at the time. Bet he's glad he never had he's own thread like Gundog, hey ho.
I have never known a winger hit the front man with more crosses than Navas. It was nearly every time. And he wasn’t as quick as everyone used to say, he just had quick feet.
Unless I am mistaken he did play there on a number of occasions without covering himself in glory.
Definitely better going forwards!
The team didn’t play that well in that season, if he was here this season he’d be doing pretty well.
It’s a shame that some still have to slag him off even now he has left, suppose its gives Gundogan Jesus Walker and Mendy a break

Liked his work ethic, always did his best, which was more than some others at the time. Bet he's glad he never had he's own thread like Gundog, hey ho.
Bloody hell, absence makes the heart grow fonder for some. His final ball and goal scoring were mostly dreadful considering who he was playing for. Always tried fair enough and the Wembley goal lives long in the memory but after that first season when he did contribute a lot not even Pep could get an end product.
But wish him all the best

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