But an FMJ would not do that, certainly not one fired from a lower velocity rifle such as the Mannlicher Carcano carbine that Oswald is alleged to have used. You would not use an FMJ/carbine combination for a guaranteed kill. You might use a modern full-length barrel rifle with a significantly higher velocity, where the shock wave might be enough against a soft tissue target like the brain.

The use of an FMJ would be entirely consistent with the single bullet theory, where one bullet can cause injuries to more than one person, so the bullet that caused Connolly's injuries was almost certainly an FMJ. Bt an FJ is highly unlikely to have produced a "fist sized" exit wound. So it's unlikely to have been an FMJ that produced the spray of brains from the front of JFK's skull seen on the Zapruder film. That is far more consistent with the use of a frangible bullet that fragments on entry and therefore a shot from in front of the car.
Thats just worng. I wonder where this discussio n of FMJs originated, it sounds like a fairly new approach by conspiracy theorists because so much else has been discredited.
Firstly, it is not just alleged that Oswald fired the Mannlicher, it is a fact that he did. Fingerprints on it, palmprints on it, tests on his skin showed he had fired it, he owned it, he bought it, it went from his garage to where he worked.
Secondly, he had about 3 days to decide to do it. The route was printed in the paper, and he clocked that the car was going right past where he worked. That weapon was all he had to use. I think the analysis of what would guarantee a kill is overthinking it; he had a rifle, that rifle, and that was he decided to use at short notice.
A fist sized wound is not that big, look at your own fist. On the side or top of a head though, it is big. It was that size because it dragged out brain matter with it. That is consistent with the bullet, that is what happens. The wounds on Kennedy and Connolly from the second bullet which hit them both did not hit anything of mass until it hit his wrist, that was the only substantial thing other than tissue that it hit.
There was no shot from the front, everything proves that, especially the wounds and body itself. Have a look at the documentary I put up earlier Col, the Beyond Conspiracy one. Its a great hour and half watch.
I used to think there was a conspiracy and everything was murky about this when I was younger, in the 70s and 80s it was all ytou heard, new books with new theories all the time, I was convinced, because everyone else was. There werent any books at all around that supported the Oswald alone facts, any. A good example is Best Evidence, by David Lifton. It was a revelation at the time in the early 80s, and it was all about the body and the autopsy and supported a silly theory of altering wounds. It is entirely discredited now, and Lifton himself has had to admit it was all bollocks. It is a joke really, but people believed it for a few years. I now realise it is very straightforward, and I am amazed really at how accurate the Warren Commission was. It has been so derided that in modern culture it is seen as a joke. It is actually a brilliant piece of work that stands the test of time.
Anyway, have a watch of that when you get a couple of hours. It is factual which is great, and a good watch even if you dont want to take it on board
I'm not sure if it was Republican or Democrat though there were surely members of both parties involved.

To me, it was more a case of powerful elite people exerting their influence in an evil way. For what end? Maybe it was the military industrial complex.

Kennedy didn't go to war with the U.S.S.R. over the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Bay of Pigs was essentially an Eisenhower operation Kennedy allowed to go ahead buy didn't make a larger armed incursion into Cuba. He also only sent a limited number of advisors to Vietnam.

LBJ got to be President of the U.S.A. and the military industrial complex got their large scale shooting war in Southeast Asia.

Just a possibility.
I'm not sure if it was Republican or Democrat though there were surely members of both parties involved.

To me, it was more a case of powerful elite people exerting their influence in an evil way. For what end? Maybe it was the military industrial complex.

Kennedy didn't go to war with the U.S.S.R. over the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Bay of Pigs was essentially an Eisenhower operation Kennedy allowed to go ahead buy didn't make a larger armed incursion into Cuba. He also only sent a limited number of advisors to Vietnam.

LBJ got to be President of the U.S.A. and the military industrial complex got their large scale shooting war in Southeast Asia.

Just a possibility.
Its a term without meaning, a vague concept that is a cover-all convenient to group conspiracy theories under. What does military industrial complex even mean?
And what about all the facts about Oswald. He was a wannabe who nobody wanted. He attached himself to groups like Fair Play for Cuba and called himself a Marxist, and nobody cared. It bothered him, he was disturbed. Its as simple as that. A real person, with real issues, and his exact movements and the like are known facts. The 'military industrial complex' is just words, what even is it?
Johnson was devastated about what happened to Kennedy, he had to deal with the fall out. Vietnam was the death of him, he didnt even want to be President soon after he was. The facts do not support the myths
Its a term without meaning, a vague concept that is a cover-all convenient to group conspiracy theories under. What does military industrial complex even mean?
And what about all the facts about Oswald. He was a wannabe who nobody wanted. He attached himself to groups like Fair Play for Cuba and called himself a Marxist, and nobody cared. It bothered him, he was disturbed. Its as simple as that. A real person, with real issues, and his exact movements and the like are known facts. The 'military industrial complex' is just words, what even is it?
Johnson was devastated about what happened to Kennedy, he had to deal with the fall out. Vietnam was the death of him, he didnt even want to be President soon after he was. The facts do not support the myths
Its a term without meaning, a vague concept that is a cover-all convenient to group conspiracy theories under. What does military industrial complex even mean?
And what about all the facts about Oswald. He was a wannabe who nobody wanted. He attached himself to groups like Fair Play for Cuba and called himself a Marxist, and nobody cared. It bothered him, he was disturbed. Its as simple as that. A real person, with real issues, and his exact movements and the like are known facts. The 'military industrial complex' is just words, what even is it?
Johnson was devastated about what happened to Kennedy, he had to deal with the fall out. Vietnam was the death of him, he didnt even want to be President soon after he was. The facts do not support the myths

Where do you come up with this stuff? How do you KNOW? YOU DON'T!!! Sure maybe he said, "Oh, I'm just devastated." It doesn't mean it is true.

You have lost any credibility you have had with me. All you do is "big man me, little man you" to anyone who disagrees with you here.

From how it looks, you don't even think for yourself on this subject. Your precious book you read about this is now your opinion and you attempt to shout down and belittle anyone who disagrees with you.
I understand that is has a definition. My point is, who are the actual persons, real people, who form this military industrial complex thing in the context of the Kennedy assassination. Real people. because by knowing about real people, their stance, their deeds and actions etc, then any involvement by this fabled cabal can be assessed. Otherwise its just words and a concept, nothing real. Who exactly is being referred to?
Where do you come up with this stuff? How do you KNOW? YOU DON'T!!! Sure maybe he said, "Oh, I'm just devastated." It doesn't mean it is true.

You have lost any credibility you have had with me. All you do is "big man me, little man you" to anyone who disagrees with you here.

From how it looks, you don't even think for yourself on this subject. Your precious book you read about this is now your opinion and you attempt to shout down and belittle anyone who disagrees with you.
Not so, I have read widely on it and as I said earlier I actually used to believe in conspiracy. Im not having digs at anyone and you are taking things unnecessarily personally. I think perhaps it is forgotten that people involved, Johnson being one, were real people who talked about what happened, and people who were actually there and involved recorded what went on and records have been made of exactly what happened, by the people themselves. That is where it comes from. This is not my credibility, flipping eck, it is the credibility of the actual people. To use your unnecessary use of capital letters, THEY KNOW!!!
Surely he did. Why else leave being the Majority Leader of the Senate to be Vice-President? You are literally one heartbeat away from it in that job. Everyone who takes it knows this is the case.
That is a misrepresentation of what I said, you have only highlighted a portion of that sentence which is petty. Of course he wanted to be President, all of his life. What I said is, soon after he was, I think it was soon after he started his own first term, he was fed up with it, as it was turning to shit and he was not in good health. He did not like becoming President under the circumstances he did. In fact, he always had a complex or nagging doubt that the mandate was not his, but more a reflected support for Kennedy
Not so, I have read widely on it and as I said earlier I actually used to believe in conspiracy. Im not having digs at anyone and you are taking things unnecessarily personally. I think perhaps it is forgotten that people involved, Johnson being one, were real people who talked about what happened, and people who were actually there and involved recorded what went on and records have been made of exactly what happened, by the people themselves. That is where it comes from. This is not my credibility, flipping eck, it is the credibility of the actual people. To use your unnecessary use of capital letters, THEY KNOW!!!

Perhaps I have taken it personally, but for the most part people here have tried to have a civil back and forth, except for you. You have belittled and talked down to about everyone in his conversation. You can't act that way then be like "hey mate, don't take it personal."

Have you had time to get your answers to the queries I posed to you ready so I know how you are more of a shooting authority than a former special warfare operator?
Perhaps I have taken it personally, but for the most part people here have tried to have a civil back and forth, except for you. You have belittled and talked down to about everyone in his conversation. You can't act that way then be like "hey mate, don't take it personal."

Have you had time to get your answers to the queries I posed to you ready so I know how you are more of a shooting authority than a former special warfare operator?
I really am not being uncivil and cant see how you have interpreted it like that. I am not a shooting expert and I am sure you know that. I merely quote the findings of the 9 pathologists who have formed the evidence of the head wound and the ballistics. They are experts, not me. And certainly not jesse whatever he is. I simply quote medical evidence from those who actually were involved. Or is that being uncivil as well?

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