Joe Hart to Birmingham

Would like to see him become our number one in a few years, but as Shay has 3-4 seasons left in him, I can't see him playing second fiddle for that long, nor can I see him being happy with us keep loaning him out.
Not upto it imo, we need to get better back up next summer. Plus, he sounded very bitter a couple of months back before our game with them, almost as though he's better than he is and as though he should still be our no.1. I couldnt believe people were questioning Hughes for going after a new keeper back in January. If we'd have stuck with Hart, god knows where we would've finished.
Keep on putting him on a one years loan untill Given retiers, we pay his wages and they dont have to pay for the loan, we promise not to recall him, if we want to recall him we give them £5 million and Stuart Taylor on short-term loan untill they can have Hart back for 'breaking our promise'.
He's our player, we don't need to sell him.

-Birmingham have a good deal by taking him on loan, if he gets injured or turns crap they can severe ties.
-Joe has nothing to lose either, at worse case he'll be sat on our bench earning a good salary, at best case he'll return to us as first team keeper in x amount of years on a much better salary. If Birmingham decide they want a permanent keeper on contract, i'm sure Joe will have plenty of offers from other clubs.
-We have nothing to lose, keep shay as long as we can and have an up-and-coming english goalkeeper to replace, one that has gained alot of experience over his loaned out years.
tbh we could be left in a similair situation to unitd after schmicheal retired. if we sell joe, i know given is world class but after he retires we could be spending a LONG time looking for a suitable and able replacement.
There's a few 35+ year old keepers in the PL at the moment - James, Schwarzer, Friedel and also Joe is better than most of the others knocking around the bottom of the PL . I'm sure we'd have no problem loaning Joe out to keep getting first team experience and that's without counting any clubs being promoted over the next couple of years. He seems to be doing a good job for Brum, he's english (which will count for european squads) and is still improving.

We'd be insane to sell him.
I can see Shay playing at the top level for another 7-8 years.

Sell him to Brum on a free with a buy-back clause of £1 million that would kick in in 4-5 years should we need him.

They would bite our hands off.

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