Just got a new dog


Well-Known Member
14 Jun 2009
Somewhere in town
Just picked up a new Boxer today, shes not a puppy so i was wondering if anyone has any tips for getting my older dog (7 year old Rottweiler) used to living with another dog as shes always had the house to her self. They been fine so far but im worried it might change when it comes to feeding them and when they're alone at night.
feed them in seperate rooms to start with and the same for sleeping if practical until they get use to each other
make sure you take it out for walks. and don't
leave it in the house all day on its own like the twats next door
leighton said:
That would be a nasty fight if they dont get on.

aye I know mate they had a few scraps and the boxers got a lil cut on corner of her eyeball where she got caught but other than that its been alright so far.

u2fme2 said:
make sure you take it out for walks. and don't
leave it in the house all day on its own like the twats next door

Already took her out for one and shell be on at least a big walk a day, but the people we got her off havnt took her for walks so shes had a lot of shit on her chest from the being in the house with heating on all the time, but she should be fine after a few weeks of walks.
brass neck said:
I just got a new dog....bought it off the local Blacksmith.........got it home....the fckin thing made a bolt for the door!!!!!!



And back to serious matters - also try and make sure the rotty is top dog, so she's fed first, allowed through doors first (though after you of course) etc
citizenblue said:
brass neck said:
I just got a new dog....bought it off the local Blacksmith.........got it home....the fckin thing made a bolt for the door!!!!!!



And back to serious matters - also try and make sure the rotty is top dog, so she's fed first, allowed through doors first (though after you of course) etc

Weve fed them at the same time and let them find their own pecking order but so far its the Rotty whos been top dog and they seem to both have settled with that now.
Our two just ignored each other after the first few days. However, the first one was only 15 months old when the second one (8 years old) arrived.

There was the odd bit of sniping at mealtimes (from the younger one strangely enough) but that was about it.

We always fed them at the same time and they went on walks together. The older one (bless her soul) was so good natured though, even though she was twice the size of the collie.

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