just me...?


Active Member
7 Sep 2008
i check this site at stupid o'clock hoping for something to make me happy...when i know nothing will be on here apart from posts like this one im doing now!! i appologise if you hate the post, but i couldn't care less...

i love city, and have done since i was old enough to know what football was..sometimes i wish i didnt love them as they cause me some serious grief and at the age of 20 im sure i got many years head of it n all...besides the point, i love city but sometimes what i hate the most is the fans...we as a group of fans are the most fickle and annoying set there is....at maine road we had highs and LOWS but as a set of fans we were the best.... now to be honest, were a solid prem team, had players like anelka, swp etc come in and out, had sven as coach and are now the richest club in the world....we need to stop moaning and thinking were better than we are, as quite frankly this year and the last we have been AWFUL..... im sick to death of the fans saying hughes this, hughes that..... we have had a stupid amount of managers and im fed up of it...teams that get success top 5 have had there managers for years....let hughes do what he has to do and what he wants to do......things happen in football slowly, its now a buisness at city.....we got robinho, swp, kompany and bridge....two years ago wed have been after jerome, harewood and bloody clements from the baggies!!!

im going of the point now!! anyways....im trying to say-city fans back of hughes, i think hes the rite man for the job....ten years with him and this money and well have trophies im sure of it!!

maybe when were at the next game maybe we shud all try singing for the entire game and get behind the team - even at blackburn away we stopped singing after twenty mins - i was embaressed

the players linked, santa, bellamy, parker toure etc they are better than we got and were building slowly

get behind city - adn before ne of u say RAG in a stupid petty response - im a season ticket holder in the north stand gate 136 row BB on the isle seat....find me if u think im a red - CTID
Aaah but you're wrong 'Powellinski' ....... i'm still here!

I've got a nasty little cold come on me today , can't sleep for love nor money ....... and you've made your little rant clear , crystal clear!

Now get to sleep ...... or you'll need teabags on those eyes tomorrow!

I doubt whether anybodys awake to sign for us at this time!
Exactly stick behind your team. Totally agree.
City Fans+Media = Destroying Hughes. Cut him some slack and let him sign his players, let him do what he has to do. People are too quick to judge these days.
Dont let themedia kill us even more as a football club. I was once told that no matter what City fans stick together. Let that be thecase. Hughes is under pressure, the players are letting him down to an extent. Don't add to this pressure.
This is the place to be after 12AM:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=101441" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/vi ... 0&t=101441</a>
powellinski said:
teams that get success top 5 have had there managers for years

Thats because they are generally top quality managers, the length of their terms is generally because of their success, not the other way around.

ten years with him and this money and well have trophies im sure of it!!

If it's going to take 10 years for Hughes he may as well give it away right now. Cause he's never going to get that long, nor should he.

the players linked, santa, bellamy, parker toure etc they are better than we got and were building slowly

Why are people obsessed with building so slowly that it will take us years to see the benefits of it. We are in a unique position, and we should be looking at people who can take us to the next step. Only two of the ones on your list fit that category IMO.
citizens_1976 said:
Exactly stick behind your team. Totally agree.
City Fans+Media = Destroying Hughes. Cut him some slack and let him sign his players, let him do what he has to do. People are too quick to judge these days.
Dont let themedia kill us even more as a football club. I was once told that no matter what City fans stick together. Let that be thecase. Hughes is under pressure, the players are letting him down to an extent. Don't add to this pressure.

citizens_1976 said:
City Fans+Media = Destroying Hughes.

If Hughes does his job well he should have no problems.

Currently he's not performing well in his job and that is the problem, not the supporters who kept the club alive for decades (but are still the first blamed for all of the worlds problems), nor the media who have been surprisingly easy on Hughes.
citizens_1976 said:
Exactly stick behind your team. Totally agree.
City Fans+Media = Destroying Hughes. Cut him some slack and let him sign his players, let him do what he has to do. People are too quick to judge these days.
Dont let themedia kill us even more as a football club. I was once told that no matter what City fans stick together. Let that be thecase. Hughes is under pressure, the players are letting him down to an extent. Don't add to this pressure.

There seems to be a lot of numpties following City these days
Daniel Sturridge said:
This is the place to be after 12AM:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=101441" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/vi ... 0&t=101441</a>

Thats right sturridge, and as founder of the harcore posters club i am now making you my number two. your dedication to the cause has been emmense and you are doing your fellow hardcorers proud my son! The last two nights I have been grounded by miss not my fault! due to the "kicking out of bed" scandle of Tuesday night (been rumbled she overheard me on the phone bragging about it to my old man! bad week for mr not my fault! on here!!!) you will be happy to know my probation period is now over and i will be returning to said thread tonight to be with the rest of the insomniacs on here.
So yeh boys and girls the "hardcore posters" thread is the place to be after 12am.

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