This a translation of Di Laurentiis' actual quotes, since they've been misinterpreted in my humble opinion:
"E' un'ottima persona, un ottimo difensore. Mi dispiacerebbe se andasse via. Arriva però un momento in cui bisogna per forza separarsi. Finora non sono arrivate offerte da 90 milioni, poi bisogna vedere chi fa la richiesta e cosa vogliono offrire a noi e al giocatore".
"He's a top guy and a top defender. It would displease me if he were to leave. However, the moment has arrived in which we certainly need to go our separate ways. Until now, we haven't received an offer of 90M euro; Afterwards, we need to see who made the bid and how much they want to offer us and the player."
The bolded bit tells me that he's willing to negotiate. He could have said "and if they meet our valuation," but he didn't. 90mil is outrageous for a 29 year old and I think he's entertaining the idea that no one will pay that.
I think he'll go cheaper and Di Laurentiis will compromise.
"E' un'ottima persona, un ottimo difensore. Mi dispiacerebbe se andasse via. Arriva però un momento in cui bisogna per forza separarsi. Finora non sono arrivate offerte da 90 milioni, poi bisogna vedere chi fa la richiesta e cosa vogliono offrire a noi e al giocatore".
"He's a top guy and a top defender. It would displease me if he were to leave. However, the moment has arrived in which we certainly need to go our separate ways. Until now, we haven't received an offer of 90M euro; Afterwards, we need to see who made the bid and how much they want to offer us and the player."
The bolded bit tells me that he's willing to negotiate. He could have said "and if they meet our valuation," but he didn't. 90mil is outrageous for a 29 year old and I think he's entertaining the idea that no one will pay that.
I think he'll go cheaper and Di Laurentiis will compromise.
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