Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
If North Korea wasn't near china and Russia, it would already have been levelled.
They need dealing with but the pussies in china do fck all about them.
Let him carry on with his stupidity. America will get pissed off with it eventually and bomb the fuck out of them. That's when it could get interesting.
Not entirely sure China's inaction is due to them being pussies :-)
They are a very conservative nation and I imagine they are concerned about a united, pro-US Korea on its doorstep being used as a
de facto American military outpost. They fear change, especially in relation to Korea,
They are the key to all of this, as much as the US imo.
I would be shocked if this escalates too far. Kim Jong Un, like all leaders who get a taste for unbridled power, won't want to give it up. Pushing things too far on this would almost certainly not end at all well for him.
He will sit there:think about how much this new job means getting his dick sucked whenever he feels like it; and pull back from the brink.
I hope to fuck I'm right, that's for sure.