Lack of English players in the PL

To me i feel like there are too many. When i first became a fan of football there was probably 2 foreign players maximum in a squad let alone a starting line up. Foreign talent has improved the quality of the league hugely but there are far too many. I would like to see a rule where there are at least 5 english players per team.
Don't care in the slightest. If it were a case of English players having to go abroad to play then I'd maybe give a shit, but they don't. English players are just generally either outright shit or overhyped by Murdoch media shit.

We need more foreigners if anything so I don't have to sit through mindnumbing games that look more like tennis matches from the likes of Stoke, Blackburn et al.
Don't care. I want the best league with the best players. English players are lazy and wrapped in cotton wool. Cleverly, Wilshire, Jones these players are supposed to be the cream of the crop but are shit in comparision to similiar players in other countries.

I never understand why English players are so reluctant to go abroad and learn the game elsewhere.
For a given price, you will get a better foreign player than an English one. That's why there are relatively few English players in the PL. For example, we could have had Carroll instead of Aguero - tough choice, eh?

If you want to see more English players, the 'system' that produces them will have to change radically, to produce players with more technical ability, and less of the attitude that you should spend your football career necking pints, starting fights and shagging birds. Or in some cases, fighting birds. (I'm not saying they're all like that - course not - but too many are.)
Not bothered at all. English players are overpriced and overrated. If they're good enough, then they will get a chance, its not a case of Johnny Foreigner stopping local lad from getting an opportunity, its just that English players are poor technically, and don't have the professionalism of their counterparts abroad. With the price that English players generally command, then its no surprise clubs look overseas for talent, just look at how much Carroll, Downing, and Henderson cost.
If/When English players start to improve based on better grass roots coaching there'll be more of them turning up in the Prem, until then I couldn't care less.

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