Last Film You Saw

Perfect summing up, heroic my arse.
Heroism can be shown in various forms, not just on the battlefield. As I understand it, having not seen the film but did see a couple interviews given by a cast member and the Director. These women were part of the only all female, black US company in a time of great prejudices in America and then for one or two of them to stand up against white men, in a very male dominated environment would have taken some courage.
Heroism can be shown in various forms, not just on the battlefield. As I understand it, having not seen the film but did see a couple interviews given by a cast member and the Director. These women were part of the only all female, black US company in a time of great prejudices in America and then for one or two of them to stand up against white men, in a very male dominated environment would have taken some courage.

I'm just thinking were they all as fit as that in real life?

I have said too much :)
Heroism can be shown in various forms, not just on the battlefield. As I understand it, having not seen the film but did see a couple interviews given by a cast member and the Director. These women were part of the only all female, black US company in a time of great prejudices in America and then for one or two of them to stand up against white men, in a very male dominated environment would have taken some courage.
You can only beat what’s in front of you. It seems they smashed it and did a great job in difficult conditions. I enjoyed the film - well worth a watch.

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