Lazy policing

Johnny Mars Bar

Well-Known Member
6 Feb 2010
Somewhere Wonderful
Team supported
St. Mark’s
So I’m a Chief Constable, it’s taken me decades of hard work and solid policing serving the community to get where I am today and I’m shocked at the actions of some of the junior officers these days.

It was brought to my attention that recently in a station in Salford, we had a very dangerous criminal due to report for arrest but in an act of professional gross misconduct, our desk Sargent decided to clock off for lunch and take his team to the pub, regurgitating his usual stories of when he was on some tv game show or other. This meant the criminal got away.

I’m sharing it here as the man in question was a known City fan, and our intelligence offers inform me that he posts on this forum, he may have even told people on here he was innocent and “on bail”. This isn’t true, he is a serious fraudster and has been known to stalk other City fans, and even act violent on public transport on the way back from games.

If anyone comes into contact with this individual please contact 999 immediately.

Chief Constable Bert Maine
Collar no. 115
If approached, you’re not likely to get a squeak out of him, unlike his partner in crime, Sweep.

He’s also known to panda to a lady called Soo, albeit bearly.

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