League cup draw - United (a)

Call me old fashioned, but for most of my 50 years, I have had to put up with that lot taking the piss and gloating, listen to the utterly nauseating hordes of wankers every time you go out of the fucking door. Bobby Charlton, Sir Matt, Remember the 70s where they all dressed like the Bay City Rollers and started supporting Scotland! Then along came Taggart and the unspeakable putrid oooh ah Cantona, Class of 96, you could write volumes of the stuff, horrid club and horrid fans so here is my take on the forthcoming get together in the league cup.

This maybe the least important competition and rightly so, even though this competition has given our fans some of their best days. If we rotate the squad and get thumped by Newcastle or Bristol City it would be mildly annoying but not the end of the world...I can live with that. However fate or Sky (take your pick) has decreed we will play them at the stadium of cunts in this competition and that changes things. I dont give one half of a fuck who or what we are playing or playing in either side of this match. Its simple every conceivable effort across the board must be made to stuff the bastards by as many goals as possible. If we had arranged to play them in a benefit match to raise funds for a 300ft statue of Taggart made of dogshite to be erected on top of Lancashire hill I would say the same. No excuses whatsoever these are the years of payback and that debt is not even close to being settled. Cant be doing with the red twats.

Bravo bravo ... Totally agree and what's more, it may be our least important competition but realistically it's not the same for them, this could be something that they could win, probably the only thing, so I'd rather kick them out of this and go out to who ever the next round..
I would t worry about the champions league too much as I think that Barcas 7- 0/1 thrashing of Celtic has decided the group as I cant see us beating Barca home and away and would be tough to get that goal difrence back..
And maybe winning again at the swamp could give us the beleave that we can get something out of the 2 Barca games

Also the best team to play th rags won't be the best team to play Barca, so there will be rotations
Anybody any idea how the gate receipts are split or not?

They have always been split since time began, the Ticket rules are more interesting though:

"19 Financial Rules

19.1 The proceeds of each match after paying thereout the travelling expenses of the Visiting Club, the ground and other expenses of the match including Value Added Tax, floodlighting of the playing pitch and ancillary lighting (not to exceed £200), advertising, printing, postage, police charges, turnstile operators, stewards, contribution to first aid helpers and clearing the ground of snow, provided in the case of the last mentioned item the Visiting Club is notified in advance of the match in question of the approximate cost (such net proceeds being hereinafter referred to as ‘the Net Cup Competition Gate’) shall save as set out below be divided as follows:

19.1.1 45 per cent to each Club taking part in such match; and

19.1.2 10 per cent to the Cup Competition Pool (hereinafter called ‘the Pool Account’) the proceeds of which are to be divided at the end of the Competition in the ratio 1:1 between

a) the Clubs in The Premier League; and
b) the Clubs in the EFL. "

"22 Tickets

22.1 Immediately after the draw is known the two Clubs concerned must mutually agree the prices. All questions in dispute must be immediately referred to the Management Committee for settlement.

22.2 In all Cup Competition matches, the Visiting Club shall have the right to claim 10 per cent of all tickets reserved or otherwise sold in advance (any variation to that figure shall be subject to the consent of the Management Committee) and on the following conditions: -

22.2.1 the request for tickets shall be made within three days of the draw, with the exception of the First Round where such request should be made no later than 14 days before the date of the match;

22.2.2 the admission prices to be charged to supporters of a Visiting Club shall not be higher than those charged to the supporters of the Home Club for comparable accommodation and in particular concessionary rates offered to senior citizens and junior supporters shall apply equally to both sets of supporters; "

For 22.2.1 as City have to agree the prices I hope it isn't near £50 when our last game was £12.

For 22.2.2 United always charge their fans £5 less for being members, where every other club in teh last 10 years we have played away in these circumstances has extended ST discounts to the away fans (e.g Blackburn, Bolton, West Ham, Swansea)

I hope City just don't roll over and agree high prices and for United fans to pay less like the last 2 times we visited in the cups.

I think United plan to charge us £46 and £45 for tickets their fans pay £41 and £40.
I would t worry about the champions league too much as I think that Barcas 7- 0/1 thrashing of Celtic has decided the group as I cant see us beating Barca home and away and would be tough to get that goal difrence back..
It's head to head.
Call me old fashioned, but for most of my 50 years, I have had to put up with that lot taking the piss and gloating, listen to the utterly nauseating hordes of wankers every time you go out of the fucking door. Bobby Charlton, Sir Matt, Remember the 70s where they all dressed like the Bay City Rollers and started supporting Scotland! Then along came Taggart and the unspeakable putrid oooh ah Cantona, Class of 96, you could write volumes of the stuff, horrid club and horrid fans so here is my take on the forthcoming get together in the league cup.

This maybe the least important competition and rightly so, even though this competition has given our fans some of their best days. If we rotate the squad and get thumped by Newcastle or Bristol City it would be mildly annoying but not the end of the world...I can live with that. However fate or Sky (take your pick) has decreed we will play them at the stadium of cunts in this competition and that changes things. I dont give one half of a fuck who or what we are playing or playing in either side of this match. Its simple every conceivable effort across the board must be made to stuff the bastards by as many goals as possible. If we had arranged to play them in a benefit match to raise funds for a 300ft statue of Taggart made of dogshite to be erected on top of Lancashire hill I would say the same. No excuses whatsoever these are the years of payback and that debt is not even close to being settled. Cant be doing with the red twats.

Supporting the Blues since late '50's...............You have expertly summed up my feelings.............Well said that man !.
This draw is a joke. The same shit when both managers been in Spain - one season it was 5 games between them, next season 6 games. This season it's already 3 games and it's not the end.

Total FIX, SKY didn't even put the team numbers up prior to the draw, the balls barely moved when in the machine or whatever it was. Convinced it was all "arranged"
Total FIX, SKY didn't even put the team numbers up prior to the draw, the balls barely moved when in the machine or whatever it was. Convinced it was all "arranged"

Total FIX, SKY didn't even put the team numbers up prior to the draw, the balls barely moved when in the machine or whatever it was. Convinced it was all "arranged"
To be honest, I thought they would fiddle it so we couldn't play each other, after the league derby, so it appears to be fixed if we do, and fixed if we don't.

As for anyone actually wanting to play them, what's wrong with wanting the easiest team left, at home, in every round ? That's always my stance in any cup competition.

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