I've had a guitar for over a year and not had the patience to carry on practising chords. Was getting frustrated at constantly muting strings.
I've started up recently and gone right back to basics. I've bought the Fender app on the Iphone which has been helpful. I can read Tabs, understand all the strings and jargon etc... I've just started to learn chords again. I have mastered G but struggling on C. I keep muting the G string when applying my middle finger to the D string . I've tried altering my technique. Putting my thumb right under the neck, arching my fingers and using the tips of my fingers, I've also changed my posture and holding the neck higher up to help arch the fingers and pulling my elbow in to my body, I'm determined to persevere but has anyone any extra tips. Is it about being persistent with constant practice and develop calluses on the finger tips?