Lee: City buying lots of top-class average. Lack high-class

Mike N said:
Kazzydeyna said:
Lee can fcuk off.

He may make some fair-ish points but he is one person who has no right to criticise the clubs buying policy.

Our joint worst chairman.

"I want to save my city" splashed over the back pages of the Mirror, followed by (a few years later when he WAS chairman) "I didn't want the job".

Also wasn't it Lee that fell out with Nelly?

Great player. Shit judge of a player. And a bigmouth.

'Our joint worst chairman'? Are you fucking mad?

No. Not mad. Joint worst with Swales. Appointed Alan ball. Went through 4 managers in a week. Slagged off the fans that he had used to become chairman in the first place. Ran the club into the ground. Thank god for Bernstein.
Great player. Utter Cnut of a chairman who has NO right to undermine our manager and our clubs buying policy all in the name of keeping his name in the papers.

Are you saying any of the above isn't true?
samharris said:
I seem to remember Real Madrid and their "galactico's"..lot of good it did them..

^^^ exactly!

it's not simply about spending money - although you can't make chicken soup out of chicken shit.

I like the basics of what we have, and there's still time for us to get the results this season; next time around we'll be looking very seriously at mounting a concerted title challenge from the outset along with competing in a few new competitions -

I don't think you can say Wilshire (Arsenal) is top class average. I think he is top class. He is 19 years old, is playing alongside the world class Fabregas with ease and does not look out of place. His potential is absolutley enormous. Fabregas himself has said he is like him when he was the same age and Wenger says he can be as good if not better than Fabregas if he carries on this progress.

WAKE UP Blues for God sake & take a reality check, look at the potential of young players not just ready made Galaticos like Messi, C Ronaldo, Fabregas etc. Wenger does and Arsenal are envied for the talent they bring through. It's also because Wenger develops them naturally from a young age and makes sure one is ready to step up when he's ready to sell another for massive money. When Fabregas goes for about £40million (and he was free at 16, don't forget) they've Nasri and Wilshire already tried and tested together in the midfield. If Van Persie (£2.75million Feyenoord) moved on they would make a massive profit.

With FFP all clubs are going to have to embrace this strategy to some extent. For me Mancini has started this, lokk at Adam Johnson £8million, now he is probably worth treble that. HAVE FAITH!!
MCFCinUSA said:
samharris said:
I seem to remember Real Madrid and their "galactico's"..lot of good it did them..

^^^ exactly!

it's not simply about spending money - although you can't make chicken soup out of chicken shit.

I like the basics of what we have, and there's still time for us to get the results this season; next time around we'll be looking very seriously at mounting a concerted title challenge from the outset along with competing in a few new competitions -


What two lots of back to back La Liga titles in 9 years and two Champions Lg wins in three years?
intheknow! said:
I don't think you can say Wilshire (Arsenal) is top class average. I think he is top class. He is 19 years old, is playing alongside the world class Fabregas with ease and does not look out of place. His potential is absolutley enormous. Fabregas himself has said he is like him when he was the same age and Wenger says he can be as good if not better than Fabregas if he carries on this progress.

WAKE UP Blues for God sake & take a reality check, look at the potential of young players not just ready made Galaticos like Messi, C Ronaldo, Fabregas etc. Wenger does and Arsenal are envied for the talent they bring through. It's also because Wenger develops them naturally from a young age and makes sure one is ready to step up when he's ready to sell another for massive money. When Fabregas goes for about £40million (and he was free at 16, don't forget) they've Nasri and Wilshire already tried and tested together in the midfield. If Van Persie (£2.75million Feyenoord) moved on they would make a massive profit.

With FFP all clubs are going to have to embrace this strategy to some extent. For me Mancini has started this, lokk at Adam Johnson £8million, now he is probably worth treble that. HAVE FAITH!!

It worries me that Wenger spends nothing to get players like Nasri and Fabregas, and we spend 18m + Ireland to get a player like Milner.

The difference couldn't be more stark. For a few million more last summer we could have had the likes of Bale, Pastore, or Hazard. Milner is nowhere close to those players, he can't even make the starting 11, and even if he could we already have his position covered. Boggles the mind, really.

Our spending policy makes no sense.
FantasyIreland said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Tevez, Dzeko and Balotelli in the starting line-up. Good enough to win a championship.

Not without a capable midfield.

Exactly right.

Too many seem to be looking solely at quality of players and overlooking the importance of tactics and balance. Those three players without a decent supply ,will be impotent against good, well organised sides. We can carry some less talented players and still win if we have a fast, well-drilled midfield.
Kazzydeyna said:
Lee can fcuk off.

He may make some fair-ish points but he is one person who has no right to criticise the clubs buying policy.

Our joint worst chairman.

"I want to save my city" splashed over the back pages of the Mirror, followed by (a few years later when he WAS chairman) "I didn't want the job".

Also wasn't it Lee that fell out with Nelly?

Great player. Shit judge of a player. And a bigmouth.
What a load of old twaddle!
How much of your hard earned fortune have you ploughed into the club. He's spot on, It's exactly what I thought at the start of the season. Silva was the only decent signing made pre season, the rest were all average.
remoh said:
FantasyIreland said:
Not without a capable midfield.

Exactly right.

Too many seem to be looking solely at quality of players and overlooking the importance of tactics and balance. Those three players without a decent supply ,will be impotent against good, well organised sides. We can carry some less talented players and still win if we have a fast, well-drilled midfield.
We badly need more flair in midfield. Silva can't do it on his own. AJ, for whatever reason before his injury, wasn't getting too many full games under his belt. And I don't think any of Barry, Yaya, NDJ or Milner (going on his performances so far) can be classed as ''flair''. We need someone who can pick out a killer pass; someone like Modric, for instance. Pity he's not for sale!!
Neil McNab said:
Kazzydeyna said:
Lee can fcuk off.

He may make some fair-ish points but he is one person who has no right to criticise the clubs buying policy.

Our joint worst chairman.

"I want to save my city" splashed over the back pages of the Mirror, followed by (a few years later when he WAS chairman) "I didn't want the job".

Also wasn't it Lee that fell out with Nelly?

Great player. Shit judge of a player. And a bigmouth.
What a load of old twaddle!
How much of your hard earned fortune have you ploughed into the club. He's spot on, It's exactly what I thought at the start of the season. Silva was the only decent signing made pre season, the rest were all average.

balotelli may be all you want BUT average

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