leeds at home.

Might have 1x Adult and 1 x Chlld on back row of block 135 Family Stand.

Not 100% yet but daughter is unwell so wife will stay at home too!

Will need to meet you there at 1pm and Swipe you in.

£25 for the pair!

Please Pm with your mobile. If they are not coming I will ring you.

Hi - need one anywhere - can meet anywhere this am or at ground - thanks

1x Adult and 1 x Child spare next to each other in the Family Stand back row of 1st tier block 135. Good Seats.

£25 the pair.

Just about to set off travelling now so I can't read forum until 12pm, however interested parties please PM with your number.

I will need to swipe you in so meet about 1.15pm.

£25 the pair!


silverblue said:
The Ox said:
The Ox said:
1 spare Adult Colin Bell Level 1, Block 126. £20 face value PM me.
Still available can be collected in Manchester City centre after 11am in the morning.

PM'd cheers

The message is just stuck in my outbox... contacted the board admin but don't know what the problem is yet. Definitely want the ticket

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