
I'm recording it and I agree it's insanely good! Loved that bouncing frog last week. I'd forgotten that gonna go watch it.
Gelsons Dad said:
If you're not watching this you are missing a real treat. Should be compulsory viewing. What a fantastic world we live in.

Last weeks were better imo when them Komodo Dragons dealt with the wild Buff !

Get on this mate <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
i've only ever been able to catch bits of this programme but tonight got to see the whole thing and i've got to say its fascinating stuff really. i enjoy programmes like this but sadly not many people my age do and if many of my friends knew i was watching this, they'd probably try and rip into me for it when really it's them missing out.
always loved attenbourgh. from being a kid having a hamster, then a little older having fish... and then the ultimate: stick insects! (which my mum hated) i remember it laying about 50 eggs and my mum went mental and made me take them to the local pet shop.
it's absolutely quality. It's amazing how some of the animals have adapted to there surroundings.
Also some of the camera work on it is so good too, the camera work for that chase between the shrew and the lizard was quality.
i still can't get my head round flying fish. When I first heard of it, it freaked me out, it is mad!
Stato said:
it's absolutely quality. It's amazing how some of the animals have adapted to there surroundings.
Also some of the camera work on it is so good too, the camera work for that chase between the shrew and the lizard was quality.

Agreed, some of the close up slow mo shots are unreal, how they get anywhere near the animals i have no idea. Like last week there was a shot from under the water of a jesus lizard running over the top, how do you even manage that? It's not like you can know exactly what patch of water the lizard is going to run over beforehand, and there surely can't have been a guy sitting under the water just waitng for the lizard to run right over his head.

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