Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

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Out early this morning I saw one of those 'odd' individuals that you seem to get in every town and city in the UK. Most places have them: weird clothing, look a bit like down and outs. The men always seem to have shaggy hair and beards and they have that wild-eyed Charlie Manson-look about them. You see them in the town centre, craving attention. Either playing an acoustic guitar (badly) and singing lame John Denver songs (also badly). Not like your average busker who does have a bit of talent, these people are mostly frustrated extroverts, attention-seeking individuals with a history of mental issues which prevents them from working
Mostly people ignore them and pretend they haven't seen them.

And that is exactly how I see many of them on rawk. They come across as strange, slightly sinister people who you'd really rather not associate with: they're all swivel-eyed Rik Mayall lookalikes, and you sense all is not well in the bonce department, and that things could turn unpleasant if you make eye contact with them.

Precisely how I felt this morning in the presence of this seemingly unhinged man, wearing 70's-style bellbottoms and one of David Bellamy's old beards (him, not me!).
Odd and amusing but there is a genuine point amidst the nonsense here and that is them being terrified of an Arsenal win for a few reasons:

1) it exposes the nonsense that only Klopp can compete with 'Guardiola pot of gold';

2) it belies the idea that Klopp is the 'world's greatest manager' if Arteta equals him in titles won; and

3) it would expose his record of 1 league title in 9 seasons as horribly average considering the resources at his disposal.

An Arsenal (and Arteta) league title would utterly expose the myth that is Jurgen fucking Klopp's time at Liverpool.

But the media would just ignore the facts like they always do when these cunts are involved.
Palace actually walked that into the net. No pressing from the Dippers at all.
It seems like a lot of them have downed tools. Dick vein being one of them. He just looks like he's going through the motions half the time, like he couldn't give a fuck if they win, lose or draw. Probably because the cheerleader is on his way out.
as you can see the posters on RAWK really know their football, incredible knowledge.........
Quote from: Paul JH on Today at 12:43:16 pm
Was talking to a mate about them, and realised how many dodgy VAR decisions do they ever have against them? It's barely any isn't it? Like, I can't remember many, if any at all. Yet the likes of us get shed loads.

If we are going into conspiracy bought off mode like ...
I’m not sure there has ever been one.
Odd and amusing but there is a genuine point amidst the nonsense here and that is them being terrified of an Arsenal win for a few reasons:

1) it exposes the nonsense that only Klopp can compete with 'Guardiola pot of gold';

2) it belies the idea that Klopp is the 'world's greatest manager' if Arteta equals him in titles won; and

3) it would expose his record of 1 league title in 9 seasons as horribly average considering the resources at his disposal.

An Arsenal (and Arteta) league title would utterly expose the myth that is Jurgen fucking Klopp's time at Liverpool.
Leicester have already done this :)
Odd and amusing but there is a genuine point amidst the nonsense here and that is them being terrified of an Arsenal win for a few reasons:

1) it exposes the nonsense that only Klopp can compete with 'Guardiola pot of gold';

2) it belies the idea that Klopp is the 'world's greatest manager' if Arteta equals him in titles won; and

3) it would expose his record of 1 league title in 9 seasons as horribly average considering the resources at his disposal.

An Arsenal (and Arteta) league title would utterly expose the myth that is Jurgen fucking Klopp's time at Liverpool.

Sadly I don't think that's the case.

Despite Arsenal having much lower revenues, and a wage bill that is £150m LESS a year than Liverpool, they have spent more than Liverpool on transfers. It in no way makes up for the mismatch in revenues and wages, but for the simpleton Liverpool fan it's enough.

So the Net Spend Trophy (transfers only) would still go to Liverpool fans.

They can pop it on the shelf next to the Financially Ignorant Numpties award.
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