Man flu


Well-Known Member
22 May 2004
There is a god Barry's gone!!!
First time in years that I have got the MAN Flu. It is too dangerous for the women of this world but do I get any sympathy from the women. Not a fucking chance. Asked for a hot drink and was told to get up and get it myself ungratefull woman. Anyhow whats peoples best cure for this flu. I normally go for a hot whiskey with honey and lemon but dont have enough whiskey to get by. The last drop from the bottle went into the first cup today and cant be arsed to go around to the offie to get another bottle normally get a bottle or 2 over the Xmas time but with the recession instead of whiskey I got socks. I think I may be forced to go to the pub to get over this Man flu and watch the racing.
here ere kidda... fucking dying since monday... cant even be arsed havin a wank.... thats when proppa man flu kicks in...
Man Flu.....Man Flu... get a grip of yourself for gods sake. I have just got over Man flu that has cross mutated with dengi fever and Asian 51 Avian Flu and I didn't get any sympathy so why should you.

Do what I did........... Act like a MAN...............

and retire to bed for 3 days moaning constantly
Had to take lucozade, lemsip and paracetomal round to my Son tonight.

He isn't at all well. When he tries to walk he looks like he is in agony. This time last year he had to go to A and E. He was suffering from tonsilitis and pleurisy at the same time.

Every year, since he was a toddler, he gets ill at this time of the year.

I thought he was being a wuss last year, but when I heard the Doctor's diagnosis I realised he was really bloody ill. :-(
mackenzie said:
Had to take lucozade, lemsip and paracetomal round to my Son tonight.

He isn't at all well. When he tries to walk he looks like he is in agony. This time last year he had to go to A and E. He was suffering from tonsilitis and pleurisy at the same time.

Every year, since he was a toddler, he gets ill at this time of the year.

I thought he was being a wuss last year, but when I heard the Doctor's diagnosis I realised he was really bloody ill. :-(

:( Hope he's gonna be ok !!
XxRachXx said:
mackenzie said:
Had to take lucozade, lemsip and paracetomal round to my Son tonight.

He isn't at all well. When he tries to walk he looks like he is in agony. This time last year he had to go to A and E. He was suffering from tonsilitis and pleurisy at the same time.

Every year, since he was a toddler, he gets ill at this time of the year.

I thought he was being a wuss last year, but when I heard the Doctor's diagnosis I realised he was really bloody ill. :-(

:( Hope he's gonna be ok !!

Thank you Rach xx

Bit concerned to be honest. He's fit and healthy all year round usually but always seems to succumb to something virulent at this time of the year. It was bronchitis when he was a kid, but now it seems to be anything and everything. In A and E last year they thought he had heart problems, but thankfully just tonsilitis and pleurisy at the same time.

I text him a few minutes ago to ask him how he was feeling and he replied "Dead."

He looked awful earlier on when I dropped the stuff off for him. He never DID do anything by half measure. :-(
mackenzie said:
XxRachXx said:
:( Hope he's gonna be ok !!

Thank you Rach xx

Bit concerned to be honest. He's fit and healthy all year round usually but always seems to succumb to something virulent at this time of the year. It was bronchitis when he was a kid, but now it seems to be anything and everything. In A and E last year they thought he had heart problems, but thankfully just tonsilitis and pleurisy at the same time.

I text him a few minutes ago to ask him how he was feeling and he replied "Dead."

He looked awful earlier on when I dropped the stuff off for him. He never DID do anything by half measure. :-(

No problem , That sounds awful :| Ive just got over the flu had it all over christmas isnt nice at all. But tonsilitis is nasty :(

Least he will be getting well looked after :D X
XxRachXx said:
mackenzie said:
Thank you Rach xx

Bit concerned to be honest. He's fit and healthy all year round usually but always seems to succumb to something virulent at this time of the year. It was bronchitis when he was a kid, but now it seems to be anything and everything. In A and E last year they thought he had heart problems, but thankfully just tonsilitis and pleurisy at the same time.

I text him a few minutes ago to ask him how he was feeling and he replied "Dead."

He looked awful earlier on when I dropped the stuff off for him. He never DID do anything by half measure. :-(

No problem , That sounds awful :| Ive just got over the flu had it all over christmas isnt nice at all. But tonsilitis is nasty :(

Least he will be getting well looked after :D X

Hi Rach

I've never had tonsilitis, but I have had pleurisy. Pleurisy was bad and I believe tonsilitis is awful too.

When Son was diagnosed last year at A and E with both at the same time I couldn't believe he was still standing up!

I think sometimes the tougher you are the more virulent and forceful such things can be.

Son only lives a five minute walk away, so that helps in looking after him.
mackenzie said:
XxRachXx said:
No problem , That sounds awful :| Ive just got over the flu had it all over christmas isnt nice at all. But tonsilitis is nasty :(

Least he will be getting well looked after :D X

Hi Rach

I've never had tonsilitis, but I have had pleurisy. Pleurisy was bad and I believe tonsilitis is awful too.

When Son was diagnosed last year at A and E with both at the same time I couldn't believe he was still standing up!

I think sometimes the tougher you are the more virulent and forceful such things can be.

Son only lives a five minute walk away, so that helps in looking after him.

What is pleurisy ?? Arr so he gonna be getting you to go round all the time with things :D
its the deaded lergy caught from std's.. dear oh dear..
XxRachXx said:
mackenzie said:
Hi Rach

I've never had tonsilitis, but I have had pleurisy. Pleurisy was bad and I believe tonsilitis is awful too.

When Son was diagnosed last year at A and E with both at the same time I couldn't believe he was still standing up!

I think sometimes the tougher you are the more virulent and forceful such things can be.

Son only lives a five minute walk away, so that helps in looking after him.

What is pleurisy ?? Arr so he gonna be getting you to go round all the time with things :D

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