Manchester Evening News in trouble?


Well-Known Member
9 Jan 2006
150 jobs going in MEN media.

Observer Business carried a frontpage article detailing merger & acquisition activity in the regional newspaper mkt including the Guardian & Media Group. The OFT is to receive a report from the newspaper publishers which could herald some changes in legislation which could lead to mergers

Newspaper business is being made redundant by the Internet and Blogging, with advertising revenue increasingly diluted.

I remember the days of the Pink where I'd walk miles on a Saturday night to get hold of the Pink. Now I rarely read the week-day papers as the news is 36 hours old.

The MEN will remain I am sure, but in the medium term there could be changes in the ownership of Regional titles. The MEN sport gets some stick, but it is the ally I am aware of.
Have anybody some idea about the value of MEN..?

With the recession going and internet sites taking more ads and reaching more people with news faster the value can´t be that high I guess.
If it´s available on the cheap just to get rid of a loss-maker perhaps we should give Sheikh Mansour a call, he launched a new Abu Dhabi business paper a couple of weeks ago so he might be keen to try on Manchester as well.
Marvin said:
150 jobs going in MEN media.

I remember the days of the Pink where I'd walk miles on a Saturday night to get hold of the Pink. Now I rarely read the week-day papers as the news is 36 hours old.

the pink, the good old days, the newsagents were closed, you put 10p into the yellow box outside and take as many copies as you wanted.

got no sympathy whatsoever for regional press, bullshit cobbled up readership figures in order to sell useless over-priced advertising.

spent many years talking people out of spunking money on press, more money available for me when they go "pop" ;)
MEN is reducing from four editions down to just one. It's printed by Trinity Mirror in Chadderton, and redundancies started last year (I was one of them!) with more to come....
Rammy Blue said:

got no sympathy whatsoever for regional press, bullshit cobbled up readership figures in order to sell useless over-priced advertising.

spent many years talking people out of spunking money on press, more money available for me when they go "pop" ;)

well they need to publish adverts, it's how they make their money. how do you know the figures are made up? why such vitriol against the local press?

newspaper's are no good for breaking news any more. The internet does that, newspapers, now, are only good for developing and reacting on stories. Blue Mooney will back me up on this...
I remember the days of the Pink - it was compulsive reading on the way home from the game.

These days I pass the people giving away the MEN and rarely take one because I have read the City stories on line earlier in the day.

The MEN used to get some decent inside news from the club but for a combination of reasons they have now been frozen out and have less idea than many posters on here as to what is going on.
Whatever you think about the paper itself, the people that'll lose the jobs are men and women with families and mortgages. Having been made redundant twice my first thoughts are with them.

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