There's an old bloke who I pass when walking the dogs about once a month. I always say morning etc etc and he always blanks me, looks straight through me as if I wasn't there without fail. Now I dont know if I've upset this guy in a previous life but the other day he was on the footbridge coming towards me about 50 yds in front...I thought I'll have him....there is no way he can blank me with a 50 yd walk towards me, human nature wont allow it. At about 20 yds away I gave him both barrels, " Morning, nice day for us...." 20 yds and counting...nothing, 10 yds and counting....nothing, 0 yds, we have contact.... still nothing, he's done it, completely blanked me without any problem what so ever. Now being a fully paid up member of the human race I couldn't have pulled off such a stunt even against my worst enemy. I chuckled and walked on.