Mary D's Backroom 5/6 Scummers

Re: Mary D's Scum

You will wear a hat that attracts attention ;) It's a bit cruel yet not sure it's worthy of calling them scum.

I like Mary D's, I just can't be arsed with it because it gets too packed! It's good on the odd occasion though.
Re: Mary D's Scum

mancmackem said:
To the lads who felt hard and clever to throw beer all over me for wearing my balo hat, i hope your mams catch crabs shagging blokes for money tonight.

Fucking scum doing that to fellow blues, least ill be going Wembley and you wont.
Thought I spotted you at blackburn on Monday wearing it. To be fair, you look a complete dick.
Re: Mary D's Scum

GStar said:
Spend as much money as you want, going to as many games as you want; if you've got a rich daddy or such an empty life or just the income and lack of responsibilities to do it, then great.

But no amount of ticket stubs can make you a 'true fan' if you act like a prick.

"We'll sing what we want, we'll sing what we want; we love Man City, we'll sing what we want"

The irony in that today was fucking cringe worthy.

Couldn't agree more. A dozen or so scum bags sat in front of me were singing munich chants for most of the game. The sooner these dick heads are jettisoned from our club the better in my opinion.
Re: Mary D's Scum

marco said:
mancmackem said:
New pub for me..and yes they threw a pint over me purely for wearing the hat. Was watching the first half of the fa cup semi on the screens. Was stood at the barrel near the food bit.

Was outnumbered 5/6 to 1 so couldnt do much when i turned round.

Suggest everyone fucks the m*nich chanting grovel off and go elsewhere for a better class of city fan.

sorry i cant see why someone would chuck a beer over your mario hat are you sure it just wasnt a drip that got spilt, maybe you need to find a wine bar for your pre match drink

Do you want to see the back of my mercer jacket? It was a full pint. Think anyone that knows me will know i wouldnt rant if it was an accident.

You are becoming a very unpopular poster here and epitimise (sp) what is going wrong with the bluemoon forum.

Im not a liberal, middle class, wine drinking pacifist. I like my beer and sing along with the rest of them at blackburn, liverpool and juventus too. Id never throw a pint over another blue over any disagreement to try and spoil their day.

Queuing at 5am tomorrow, and will take any serious suggestions for an alternative boozer away from marco whos a bad egg poster.
Re: Mary D's Scum

Prestwich_Blue said:
mancmackem said:
To the lads who felt hard and clever to throw beer all over me for wearing my balo hat, i hope your mams catch crabs shagging blokes for money tonight.

Fucking scum doing that to fellow blues, least ill be going Wembley and you wont.
Thought I spotted you at blackburn on Monday wearing it. To be fair, you look a complete dick.
Nah it might have been me
I really do look a dick in it, but i dont give a fuck
Re: Mary D's Scum

Yeah you're always bound to get the odd nobhead pal, some scrote nicked my programme at Wembley at the semis. Not arsed about the fiver wasted I just couldn't get my head around why any City fan would lower themselves to do that.
Re: Mary D's Scum

mancmackem said:
marco said:
sorry i cant see why someone would chuck a beer over your mario hat are you sure it just wasnt a drip that got spilt, maybe you need to find a wine bar for your pre match drink

Do you want to see the back of my mercer jacket? It was a full pint. Think anyone that knows me will know i wouldnt rant if it was an accident.

You are becoming a very unpopular poster here and epitimise (sp) what is going wrong with the bluemoon forum.

Im not a liberal, middle class, wine drinking pacifist. I like my beer and sing along with the rest of them at blackburn, liverpool and juventus too. Id never throw a pint over another blue over any disagreement to try and spoil their day.

Queuing at 5am tomorrow, and will take any serious suggestions for an alternative boozer away from marco whos a bad egg poster.

so why the fuk would someone chuck a beer over you, sorry i cant see why,did you tell them to shut up? can we have your story in full there is allways two sides

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