buzzer1 said:
Commercial Aircraft? maybe they aint commercial aircraft hey? maybe the pilots are told that it's to aide the environment? maybe pilot shut the fuk up and collect your coin at the end of the week, you know, placements puppets from the R.A.F and the like. Maybe your official line is a yarn, how many times has the human race been lied to? if if if if.......... as i said earlier, stick to your theory and be nice, and i'll do the same.
PS, so not one of my links has an ounce of truth in them? and if as you say they do, it does'nt matter as it was the cold war? haha, THEY HAVE LIED TO US RIGHT THE WAY THROUGH HISTORY.
The problem I see with chemtrails, is that it leaves three unanswered questions:
1. Why are they spraying us?
2. Who are they?
3. How is it possible to keep, control and organise a global conspiracy and pretty much keep it under wraps?
Buzzer, everybody lies to everybody throughout history. Since the beginning of modern society, the government's job is purely to be electable again in several years. Some achieve this by actually doing stuff that their people want. With the advent of the modern media though, most now just do whatever they want and tell the people that they have done what they asked.
Again though, I don't understand what somebody is trying to achieve with this?
Josh Blue said:
Fair enough you can dimiss it, I understand there are Contrails but the theory of Chemtrails? I have seen no facts for me to dimiss it, also be care what science you read alot can be scientific theories not scientific facts. Remember the fact the world was flat and you were nuts to think it was round. Learn from history but each to their own, your opinion is just as valuable as mine, think everyones been abit rude to buzzer though.
Everything you have just posted is wrong. These are the problems (seems as so I'm in a numbered list mood):
1. Scientific theory has a very precise meaning, and doesn't mean the same as theory, or guess. The Moon revolving around the Earth is a theory. So is gravity. So is the Sun providing light by burning fuel. This is a fundamental thing that people need to understand about the scientific method.
2. There is almost no such thing as a scientific fact. The very, very tiny ones that are facts are things that are too obvious to mention, and mainly centre around causality.
3. Any piece of scientific literature that you read has sections whereby the researchers must provide a list of conflict of interests. You know who has sponsored the research that you are reading.
4. Scientific theories are formulated through the peer review process. This means that the experiment as laid out has to be replicated by numerous other, yet completely unrelated, people. Only if it passes the judgement of all of them is it seen as fit for publication.
Nobody ever thought that the world was flat.
6. Opinions aren't always as valuable as each other. I'm a computer programmer with a particular speciality in network security and operating systems design. The opinion of my 8 year old nephew on the architecture of the microkernel isn't as valuable as my opinion on it as I've studied them for several years and actually know what a microkernel is. Expanding this out for a bit, the opinion of a layman who has done next to no research on a topic is never as valuable as the opinion of an expert on it.