Media bias against City

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As I've said loads of times on here, I'm not expecting or wanting the media tto kiss our arse. It'd just be nice if they told the truth.
I don't look for negatives about us either. I will highlight hypocrisy and double standards though.
For the ones that say that there isn't a media bias against us, you're just as deluded or blinkered as those rags that believe all the sycophantic shit that sky and ts spout about them.

Top post. As for those that say there is no media bias against us you want to read a post two pages back, where a guy actually states the media are fawning over us. I have assumed that by us he is referring to City or perhaps he is just a WUM.
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was unfortunate to watch the sky soccer saturday palace v city preview , and was gobsmacked when no nout charlie nicholas actually referred to us as , "that team at the top of the table" he couldnt even bring himself to say Manchester City , the bitter under achieving ex-gooner twa*t , the comforting thing is this amount of bitterness proves we are really hurting the established big four , and long may it continue.
was unfortunate to watch the sky soccer saturday palace v city preview , and was gobsmacked when no nout charlie nicholas actually referred to us as , "that team at the top of the table" he couldnt even bring himself to say Manchester City , the bitter under achieving ex-gooner twa*t , the comforting thing is this amount of bitterness proves we are really hurting the established big four , and long may it continue.
Yet we are assured by a few long standing Forum members that there is definitely no media bias. It is all in our heads, apparently.
I wonder if these guys actually read many newspapers, watch Sky Sport, listen to Talk Sport or to match commentaries. Do they not notice that co-commentators on our games are often rags and that our goals our greeted with hushed tones compared to the euphoria that accompanies opposition goals. They obviously have never heard the barbed comments about oil money, about our inflated transfer fees,about the massive wage we pay, about us ruining football, nor that after all the money of spent we ought to be win the league, the cup and everything else easily. Someone once said if you do not want to see something then you will not see it.
The "there is no bias guys" are lucky to live in their happy blue world, where people only say nice positive things about City and any negatives are balanced by the occasional dig at a competitor and anything nasty said about us is just to get clicks. But if it is to get clicks does that not prove their is bias?
" The media are fawning over City" said one "there is no bias guy" today. This has got to be the funniest and most deluded comment in this thread and there have been some crackers. Magic our Maurice.
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I actually think the pendulum has swung too far the other way in terms of plenty of journalists thinking the league is a foregone conclusion.

If people look for bias, then they will find it and there will always be a bit of bias against us as papers (outside of some of the decent editorial journalism) will print what they think their readers want to read. Unfortunately for us, that means that a negative connotation is usually a bigger story and more interest is generated for them than a smaller one.

What would be interesting is to see a thread like this on a different forum to see what they think about their clubs, I imagine they could come up with a similar amount of examples. Wengers taken some pelters over the years (I don't listen anymore but is that daily arsenal thing still going?), as have Chelsea at times.

I'm not bothered enough to go and find it but I'm sure those clubs feel there is an agenda against them too.
Yet we are assured by a few long standing Forum members that there is definitely no media bias. It is all in our heads, apparently.
I wonder if these guys actually read many newspapers, watch Sky Sport, listen to Talk Sport or to match commentaries. Do they not notice that co-commentators on our games are often rags and that our goals our greeted with hushed tones compared to the euphoria that accompanies opposition goals. They obviously have never heard the barbed comments about oil money, about our inflated transfer fees,about the massive wage we pays, about us ruining football, nor that after all the money of spent we ought to be win the league, the cup and everything else easily. Someone once said if you do not want to see something then you will not see it.
The "there is no bias guys" are lucky to live in their happy blue world, where people only say nice positive things about City and any negatives are balanced by the occasional dig at a competitor and anything nasty said about us is just to get clicks. But if it is to get clicks does that not prove their is bias?
" The media are fawning over City" said one "there is no bias guy" today. This has got to be the funniest and most deluded comment in this thread and there have been some crackers. Magic our Maurice.

I don't think there is much doubt that bias exists, the real debate is why that is so.
I don't think there is much doubt that bias exists, the real debate is why that is so.

That's easy enough to explain as well. The media panders to its audience and there are more United and Liverpool fans than City, because those clubs have been more successful in the past few generations. That also means that the journalists reporting the news and pundits are more likely to follow the above clubs and some, sadly, can't keep that bias out of their job.

The question I think is important is when will it change. When will City fans become abundant enough that our good news will keep the masses happy? And when will City supporting/ex-City people start to get more involved in the media?
That's easy enough to explain as well. The media panders to its audience and there are more United and Liverpool fans than City, because those clubs have been more successful in the past few generations. That also means that the journalists reporting the news and pundits are more likely to follow the above clubs and some, sadly, can't keep that bias out of their job.

The question I think is important is when will it change. When will City fans become abundant enough that our good news will keep the masses happy? And when will City supporting/ex-City people start to get more involved in the media?

That is the obvious reason particularly as the digital change is affecting the media much more than any other sector of business so appealing to their main potential customers is good business to do so.

Is there any other reason for this bias ?
how can we possibly decide if there is a media bias if there is no investigation into all negative AND positive city related stories
The whole point of owning a newspaper is to have an agenda, just look at the front pages

Good point.

Perhaps like with sugar daddies and football clubs some rich people want to own a media provider just to express their biased views so are not bothered if they get fewer people prepared to buy their forced opinions.
Maybe they employ people with exactly their polarised opinions or insist journos write their articles with this in mind or make headlines to sell as clickbait or adverts for the paper etc..

Certainly this used to be the way with political opinion.
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