"Media have another go at City"

mad4city said:
Can't all of this nonsense have a forum of its own too, please?

City fans have long been accused of psycho-masochism. It was a charge I'd always bristled at but, now I'm beginning to wonder if I haven't been in denial. Like those wierd Ulster men in bowler hats who travel 50 miles to "have never been so insulted in my life", at Garvaghy every summer, do some people now find themselves seeking out negative articles on City?
So (INSERT NAME OF HACK HERE) writing for the (INSERT NAME OF RAG HERE) has done a new hatchet job on us. Boo-jaysus-hoo... All of this righteous indignation is getting to be a yaaaaawwwwnnn...

People should rightly be amazed if Ribery signs for Man City (or perhaps I should say the 2009 UEFA cup winners - because we've got it in the bag already, judging by some of the giddier element on here). People would also be stunned if we sign Terry and Henry to play alongside him. Until we actually DO any of the above (or similar) they ARE going to view us with scepticism. It's not like we haven't flattered to deceive before is it?
What have we done so far (in world headline terms)? Signed one world class Brazillian, spouted off about signing the world and his uncle (yeah, I know al Fathead was rushed out the door but first impressions count) and publicly failed to sign another world class Brazillian. We've floundered a bit in the league (to the point where finishing seventh would be seen as a fantastic acheivement (that's seventh!) and stumbled into the quarter finals of what is essentially a loser's consolation prize - yet some of our supporters are acting like the good Lord himself has just announced that he'll be there in Istanbul to hand City the trophy because "WE ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE" - ffs, there's one thread on here that wonders if we can even keep it in posterity!!!! No wonder people are treating us like a joke!

There's no harm in dreaming - Jesus, Mary and Joeseph, I've spent the last thirty odd years dreaming. That's over three quarters my life, by the way, so I reckon I've got the hang of it by now. Just keep your feet on the ground a while longer lads, please. We are (and no, I didn't coin this phrase!) "a work in progress". Part of that progression is going to include disappointments and even ridicule - such is the nature of life. We will get there, though. That much I am sure of - I just don't know when.

So, please ignore these idiots in the media who do not share our dream. They are entitled to their opinions and only success on the field of play is going to change their minds. Posting these ignorant hacks comments on here only serves to allow them to justify their pay-packets to their editors and inflate their own egos - there's nothing a writer likes more than reaction; there'e nothing a writer hates more than being ignored Don't believe me? Start a thread and see how you'll feel when nobody responds...

Slightly off poiint, but well done for inserting another sumbliminal Irish - anti-British - message in all that. Surely there are those on both side who "travel 50 miles to be insulted"
OP makes a great point. i think it's alright to vent about being trashed by the media 'in here,' but responding to the media with hostility just doesn't serve our best image.

the best way to make these media geniuses look like they're as clueless as they usually are is this: when you call in or email, politely but sternly point out the actual facts. not unlike training a dog.
Totally agree.

we can't let the tw@ts get away with it because there is a drip -drip factor of nagative publicity that might well affect the attitudes of potential signings .

As the man here says . Marshall the facts and go in for the kill.
Most of theses hacks are hugely ignorant about our club. They are fish in a barrel.
Get stuck in, fellow Blues.

We have to sytematically debunk all the crap about City in the media.
They're fundemantally lazy and capricious these hacks and will move on to something , or someone else.
We will quietly but firmly build respect. Fook 'em all
Oh how I wish that no one had replied to your post. It'd have been so cruel but so funny.

Agree with your points by the way.
All of this righteous indignation

There's nothing "righteous" about my attitude towards the media and they way they portray City! It makes my fuckin' blood boil when hacks cannot be arsed to research a story and just trail out line after line of pure malicious invention. Yes, they target other clubs as well, but I'm not interested in any other club. It's City I don't want to see humiliated in the media.

As far as your little article is concerned, it's well scribed (I'll give you that), but the content is nothing more than a put down of all the City fans who have a dream of seeing our team "stumbling" towards winning a trophy in 2009. This is from the heart as well!!
I tend to agree with the OP...i've become desensitized to all the crap that is written about City...

To be honest, as soon as we are "top 4" it will stop...or at least it will be a very different kind of abuse from the non-factual, shit stirring, claptrap we get now...

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