
Ducado said:
Fame Monster said:
We've had this before...he doesn't look like a footballer, his shoulders are too big, he's too muscular...before he became arguably the best right-back in the world in 2012 when we won the league.

I love Zaba, but Micah's a much better player than him when he's at his best. Better final ball, quicker, better in the air, stronger. In 2012, he was rightly our first choice because every single time he got in a dangerous position, he'd find the right ball which Zaba doesn't always do. The 6-1 at Old trafford being the prime example. I doubt we would have won the FA cup either without him pretty much single-handedly getting us back into the game against Notts County either.

Micah's problem is that he gets injured a lot and when coming back from injury, never gets a decent run (not under Pellegrini anyway) in the team. He's not gonna be back to his best after 2 games back in the side, at which point, he ends up getting dropped again. The only time he does get to play, he's stupidly told not to go forward, meaning that we have no width and end up getting knocked out of the FA cup by Wigan.

People might say he's leaving of his own accord, but it was the stupid decision to not even try and give him a run of games when he came back from injury, that forced him out. If we carry on like this, it's inevitable that we are gonna lose players of the calibre of De Jong and Richards (who would not have needed to bring Mcmanaman down in the Final).

It's another appalling decision by the management and I'm very sad to see that we'll be losing our best reight-back no matter how prone to injury he might be. And as for the nerds giving it all the usual bollocks about him being too big, too stupid, not good enough for where we want to be, go and ask Carlos tevez or Gareth Bale what they think of him and see what you get.

I can agree with some of that but every time he has been given a chance this season he has fluffed it, the club can not carry passengers its sad as he will be remembered fondly by all of us

Thing is Ducado, most of the games he has played in he hasn't been 'fully fit'

But he gets given a chance and then he's out for 2 or 3 games with an injury

How many chances should a manager give someone before they become un-trustworthy

I love Micah and I think when he is 'fully fit all guns blazing' he is a top RB, but he trips himself up time after time and unfortunately. for the quality we need, his cons out weigh his pros on the football pitch
One thing I dont understand, he turned down a new contract because he wants more playing time, but the only reason he hasnt had more playing time is because he is constantly injured!

Gutted to see him go
If he gets himself fit and stays fit then he will get games, it really is as simple as that

Over to you Micah
Comparing Micah to Zabba is quite simply , the most laughable thing I have read on this board in 10 years.

Football is all about opinions and if you still wish to attempt to debate the pros and cons of each then , clearly , you know jack shit about football and you should take up knitting with your granny.
sjk2008 said:
Any of you lot know how much you're selling him for?

I'd be a touch disappointed if it was less than £5m for obvious reasons.

I would've thought it'd be around £5m, given his contract situation.
A concern about Richards is that even when he was at his very best and helping us win the title, he was continually overlooked for international recognition. This was much to the chagrin of many on here but is rather telling. It suggests that other managers simply do not think he can be trusted at the very highest level. Too much, I fear, is made of his physique and not enough about the mental discipline required for his position. All of our full backs were susceptible to costly lapses in concentration last season, but it could be that Richards is too culpable.
Where does this shit keep coming from with regards a move to Liverpool?

I have actually seen Brendan Rodgers laughing at this when it was put to him, and he does not believe he is the right player for them.

Sure, managers lie, but he would not do it off the record to the local pack.

That would not go down well.

Sadly, Micah has few options out there, Newcastle being one.

I think he should go to Italy or Germany, where he could give his career a proper chance of an upturn.
MaineRoadBlue said:
Fame Monster said:
We've had this before...he doesn't look like a footballer, his shoulders are too big, he's too muscular...before he became arguably the best right-back in the world in 2012 when we won the league.

I love Zaba, but Micah's a much better player than him when he's at his best. Better final ball, quicker, better in the air, stronger. In 2012, he was rightly our first choice because every single time he got in a dangerous position, he'd find the right ball which Zaba doesn't always do. The 6-1 at Old trafford being the prime example. I doubt we would have won the FA cup either without him pretty much single-handedly getting us back into the game against Notts County either.

Micah's problem is that he gets injured a lot and when coming back from injury, never gets a decent run (not under Pellegrini anyway) in the team. He's not gonna be back to his best after 2 games back in the side, at which point, he ends up getting dropped again. The only time he does get to play, he's stupidly told not to go forward, meaning that we have no width and end up getting knocked out of the FA cup by Wigan.

People might say he's leaving of his own accord, but it was the stupid decision to not even try and give him a run of games when he came back from injury, that forced him out. If we carry on like this, it's inevitable that we are gonna lose players of the calibre of De Jong and Richards (who would not have needed to bring Mcmanaman down in the Final).

It's another appalling decision by the management and I'm very sad to see that we'll be losing our best reight-back no matter how prone to injury he might be. And as for the nerds giving it all the usual bollocks about him being too big, too stupid, not good enough for where we want to be, go and ask Carlos tevez or Gareth Bale what they think of him and see what you get.

You Sir are clearly drunk!

I've said it before and it still stands 100% true, Micah, regardless of the occasional good game at Centre Half with Dunne, is the epitome of what is wrong with English Football and the policies that see players with his fundamentally limited footballing ability progress through youth systems at the expense of small less powerful yet infinitely better players.

He is, to put it bluntly, an over muscled immobile lump who due to his size has absolutely no recovery ability. In short he is a sprinter masquerading as a footballer.

Anyone who witnessed his display against Norwich in the final game of 12/13 season that we lost 3-2 at home will have fully witnessed the level of his liability. He was blatantly at fault for all 3 goals and was that awkward in his play he twice fell over is own feet!

He has clearly outstayed his use in some forlorn hope of acquiring cheap medals coupled with an expensive contract renewal. Thank God City have sent him packing. In fact, when you sober up, you will cast your mind back to when Pellegrini arrived, Micah was continually making gormless videos, partly encouraged by the club media team, where he would lark about and just laugh. It would seem Pellegrini was straight onto him and quickly realised this kind of summed up his current attitude to his football.

In summary he showed some potential but was over-hyped and lost his way. Certainly he is nowhere near good enough to clean Zabaleta's boots. As for your assertion he has a better final ball! Well YCMIU.

I honestly don't know where to begin.

I think it's pretty telling that you didn't even try and comprehend the reasons as to why Bale and Tevez struggled so much with an 'immobile lump with no recovery ability'. That's what's important btw, not your opinion nor mine. Let me guess...they've were drunk as well? The reality is that supposedly top players found their level when they played a fully fit Micah Richards and that's why Ronaldo never did anything in the derbies against us. Do you honestly think - deep down - that great players consistently underperform against players with 'fundamentally limited football ability'? If you do, then you don't sound you've been on the beer, you sound like you've been smoking crack.

As for the Norwich game, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the first and only time he's played centre-back for us in about 6 years? Kompany was bang-average when he played centre-mid - it doesn't mean I'd be happy to see him leave in the summer.

I've just rewatched the goals by the way and the reason why he's partially to blame is that he doesn't anticipate the mistakes of Zabaleta for the first two goals (in missing the tackle and not picking up his man at the back post) and he simply slips for the last goal. By that token, Zabaleta's positional sense is atrocious and Kompany (I remember when he slipped against Villareal and Napoli), is an 'immobile lump'.

Micah reached his potential in 2012 when he was fully fit and being played in his best position. That position is right-back and not once have I said he should be playing centre-back because I do think there's a tiny bit of truth to the claim that he switches off from time-to-time, but it's such a small deficiency relative to his other abilities that it's barely worth thinking about.

I think Zabs has a better first touch and is better at keeping possession when put under pressure (although Micah is by no means bad at this), but no way does he have a better final ball when he gets played in behind the fullback. They are both world-class when it comes to making runs behind the full-back, but Zaba is nowhere near as clinical as Micah. In 2012, I remember every time he got played in, Micah picked out the perfect pass pretty much every time ala Kolarov. This season, Zaba has found himself in some great positions virtually every game but he's notwhere near as dangerous (recent games against Everton and Palace spring to mind). Nevertheless, and as you would expect, he does have a lot of assists this year, but he should have so many more.

As a comparison, Micah at his best has 6 assists from 32 games (11/12), Zaba at his best has 9 assists (12/13/14) from 94 games.

I'll say it again: Micah is our best right back and the only problem he has is that he gets injured a lot. With a good, patient manager prepared to watch tapes of the many games in which he has fulfilled his enormous potential and prepared to give him a decent run in the team, he will once again be considered the world class player that he is.

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