Surely Hamas and Hezbollah are a product of the conditions under which Palestinian people are having to live though? Clearly nobody condones the massacre and gleeful murder/torture of Israeli civilians, but I am keen to understand what the correct response iswhen Israeli forces are bulldozing Palestinian settlements and dispossessing Palestinian people in contravention of international law? What is the correct response to blockades? Israeli forces have unlawfully killed and injured Palestinian civilians who have protested against having their land confiscated. The IDF regularly engages in the harassment and intimidation of the civilian population. Surely the violence being inflicted on the Palestinian people is never going to be met with a non-violent response, but what kind of violence is acceptable to the international community?
A peaceful resolution/two state solution clearly can't involve a Hamas government going forward, but there's also no way that an ultra nationalist far right government like the one Israel currently has can move us to that point either.