More praise for City and Fans on Talk Sport.

Fuck Talksport! & Stan Collymore can suck my dick as well! Stanley if your reading this, you were a good footballer but your a huge idiot & you talk shite! I hope you get bummed by a big fucking Samoan crack head!
Markie07 said:
i thought someone had give collymore a bung cause i have never heard such praise come from him and he did the same on saturday after the blackpool match.

last night he said that fergie told some one to watch us train for a week cause bobby was doing great things.

Two faced? Yes - he's certainly changed his tune and was bigging up Yaya aswell as an attacking mid after ranting about Mancini being negative with 3 defensive mids for most of the season.

There has been a noticeable change in some attitudes recently (maybe since the Beasley Sunday Suppllement and Vicki Kloss intervention). But, as the song says, they just want to be on the side that's winning.
Adrian Durham has definitely got a soft spot for City, he used to watch them at Maine Road and think his lad supports them - really good listen tonight with him sticking up for us. I know he's on a wind up half of the time but the arrogance of Arsenal and United fans does seem to genuinely get on his tits!
citykev28 said:
i can confirm this to be true!! last night the topic was "what are manchester city doing wrong?" and gough and adrian durham were sticking up for us no end. i was flabbergasted and sat outside the chippy for 15 minutes tryig to get my head round it all.

Same here... listened again today expecting to get a kicking about being 'negative' against Arsenal and they're sticking up for us again!
Still don't trust Talkshite: tried to get on the Brazil/chicken lanky -cockney show today but ended up in a telephone row with their researcher (who claimed to be a Spud) my points were just those made about the Arse away draw . I was trying to respond to 'Matt' from the Guardian ( a self confessed gooner) who had wheeled out the pathetic old shite about RM being 'a negative serie A type manager'.

this young lad just wasnot gonna let me through (although I've got on on a number of occasions to put in my 2penneth)

However, I was grateful for Gary Owen's lucid and forthright responses this evening... and as you sat Durham ( though he may be doing the school debating society pose) sounded very positive

Ultimately all these media clowns will end up touching thier forelocks as they (as an earlier poster noted) wantto be on the winning side

But for most it will be a painful transition as we are the team from Manchester that is NOT THE RAGS...
Ducado said:
They are lulling you into a false sense of security, they will get you listening again, and then start slagging us again, some people will fall for anything, do you not think they read the fan forums?

I'm well on course for not listening to a single syllable of their crap station for the entire season. Are there medals?
Whats happening, 2 nights in a row driving home and the guys on Talk Sport not only talking City up but now saying how good the City Fans have been since all the money came in, no waving 'wads' as the Chelsea fans did. Lots of Blues phoning in talking sense about where we expect to finish. Whats happening are they realising that we are building a team and now coming together, even talk of all the work done by the club outside of football. Treat our club and fans with respect and we will listen to your views and station.
Can't get use to this, City are doing a lot of good for the prem lge.

They have seen the writing on the wall.
They expected Mancini to be gone and us blowing up in mid-table by now-and it's all gone pair shaped for them.
Their editorial department will have told them that not even that bunch of biased southern wankers can ignore the fact that City are in the mix for the title,and thus the adjust the "angle" of their "opinions."

It's no accident that tossers like Collymore and Durham-men who waged what amounted almost to a vendetta,in a thinly veiled attempt to destroy NDJ's career in England- have suddenly changed their tune about City en-masse.

Bandwaggon jumpers-populist,mass media shite.
The Sun on the radio.

Fuck them.
Ducado said:
They are lulling you into a false sense of security, they will get you listening again, and then start slagging us again, some people will fall for anything, do you not think they read the fan forums?

Spot on Ducado. I thought the same when I was driving home from work yesterday. What the hell, Colymore sticking up for City. Good heavens, a team he has berated time and time again is now being bigged up. I thought it was a joke at first and waited for the punchline. Think they have realised that a lot of City fans have stopped calling in and listening.

Talksport are so transparent! we're not that stupid to fall for it are we?
GaudBlessYa said:
Adrian Durham has definitely got a soft spot for City, he used to watch them at Maine Road and think his lad supports them - really good listen tonight with him sticking up for us. I know he's on a wind up half of the time but the arrogance of Arsenal and United fans does seem to genuinely get on his tits!

spot on, I don't mind him even when he is talking bollox, certainly knows how to wind listeners up...

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