most influential c---s

2smokinberyls smockfrocks

Well-Known Member
23 Oct 2023
barking at the fog
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in the history of the world,
there really have been some right cunts who have had a serious influence on things.

michael h. hart had these as his top ten

RankNameTime frameImageOccupation
1Muhammadc. 570–632Spiritual & Political leader
2Isaac Newton1643–1727Scientist
3Jesus4 BC–33 ADSpiritual leader
4Gautama Buddha563–483 BCSpiritual leader
5Confucius551–479 BCPhilosopher
6Paul the Apostle5–67 ADChristian apostle
7Cai Lun50–121 ADInventor of paper
8Johannes Gutenbergc. 1400–1468Inventor of the printing press
9Christopher Columbus1451–1506Explorer
10Albert Einstein1879–1955Scientist
Gareth Southgate? Being a bit more serious Oliver Cromwell is worth a mention. Add Christopher Columbus to the list.
Mr Hart obviously has no idea what a **** is, he should put himself at no 1
In my opinion the c word should not be used so often on here. It's a truly horrible word and should be saved for genuine c's, like Putin. You know like people who are mass murderers etc. There are plenty of them.
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In my opinion the c word should not be used so often on here. It's a horrible word and should be saved for genuine c's, like Putin. You know like people who are mass murderers etc. There are plenty of them.
I agree there are no bigger cunts in this world than people which use the word **** a lot, what a bunch of cunts those cunts are, proppa cunts l

The cunts.
In my opinion the c word should not be used so often on here. It's a horrible word and should be saved for genuine c's, like Putin. You know like people who are mass murderers etc. There are plenty of them.

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