Motormouth Hopkins been sacked ?

I hate Tories (Check)
Thatcher is a witch ( check) still is until the end of the world.
Atheist (Check )
Climate change fanatic ? Only if it means Spain get our weather and we get theirs.
Anti capitalist ( Check )
Pro Europe ( Check )
Anti Grammar ( Check )
Went to one. ( Nope )
After an argument ? Nope not clever enough.
Thanks for that, find it easy to believe the last sentence, given the "check" above, nighty night, can I recommend getting some tissues, a copy of the Guardian and going to bed, who knows, Owen Jones may have wrote a special on Hopkins demise ;-)
Yes, I've no doubts there are many who hold her views. Those people are fucking dangerous though and make a terrible situation worse. I'm far from being a leftie, in fact I hold no political persuasion of any sort but I do see through the like of Hopkins and the halfwits who follow her. There's loads of subjects where I have no problem with folk disagreeing with me but this one, nah. She's an evil **** who needs taking out of the public eye before she causes any more unrest.
Of course that'll never happen because she has a captive audience and free speech is rightfully permitted.
I for one agree with you Pablo, heard her call every walk of life everyone on the doles a scrounger, the minimum wage is enough to live on etc etc.She's a controversial woman who does it for her own gains.She is the lowest of the low one of them that would walk past you if you were having a stroke hate the woman
"Final solution" - has there ever been a worse phrase using two words that are completely innocent on their own?
Advocating genocide? jesus tonight. I have been on here for around a week now and i was warned to steer clear by a very good mate of mine and a well liked lifelong mooner,he named names and exactly what to expect and bbbboyyy was he bang on,to a tee. It is a sad state of affairs and i happen to agree on plenty Katie Hopkins says...imho its a pity there isnt plenty more like her. I expect hell for these comments. Good luck Katie for the future.

So why the fuck did you sign up rag?
Thanks for that, find it easy to believe the last sentence, given the "check" above, nighty night, can I recommend getting some tissues, a copy of the Guardian and going to bed, who knows, Owen Jones may have wrote a special on Hopkins demise ;-)
Don't read the Guardian, not enough pictures.
Going to bed , probably very soon ,its my age.
Unless Owen Jones is a footballer I've no interest.
Talking down to people that's a Thatcher/ Hopkins trait. Oh ! Now you Peggy.

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