Mourinho vs Pellegrini

Hmmm. Is that meant to be a defence of MouMou?

Porto and Inter's CL wins were tantamount to Greece winning the Euros. Might look nice on MouMou's CV but in real footballing terms those two runs to the final were full of shit negative football and enormous dollops of insane luck. It's why the achievements are only recognised on MouMou's CV. Nobody talks about, remembers, or cares about the Porto team or the Inter team which won those competitions.

Chelsea finished 2nd the season before he came in and won the league. He also bought the best players in Europe to add to the previous year's shopping to that squad to win that league. He didn't take a plucky mid table side to the title.

Look we get it. You think Mourinho is amazing, in many respects his achievements aren't to be sniffed at. But who gives a shit. He's not our manager and never will be and since he's spent the last 18 months talking shit about our club, I'd expect most people naturally will think he's a **** and wish him and his club nothing but the worst.
Lol. An objective analysis of Mourinho's achievements - shit negative football and insane luck. Just a coincidence that he's taken two hugely unfancied and financially restricted football clubs to the summit of European football, against much better resourced and gifted opposition like Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Manchester United et al? And that he continues to deliver trophy after trophy wherever he goes? Stick to playing to the cheap seats and calling him a ****, you're on much safer ground there, although this requirement for football managers to be 'nice guys' would have ruled out some of the most successful managers in the history of British football. You remind me of the audience at a pantomime booing and hissing at the pantomime villain, whilst failing to realize it's just a part of the entertainment, what really matters is what happens on the pitch and the best measure of that is the trophies that you win. I was gutted when Mourinho went to Chelsea, not because I'm a Mourinho fan (although I accept I come across as one on here because I don't care if a manager is a nice guy or not), but because I could see that he would make Chelsea a really strong opponent, and I foresee them staying that way for as long as he stays there.
Stick to playing to the cheap seats and calling him a ****, you're on much safer ground there, although this requirement for football managers to be 'nice guys' would have ruled out some of the most successful managers in the history of British football. You remind me of the audience at a pantomime booing and hissing at the pantomime villain, whilst failing to realize it's just a part of the entertainment, what really matters is what happens on the pitch and the best measure of that is the trophies that you win.

I'm not playing to the cheap seats when I call him a ****. I'm telling you what I think. He's a ****. He's like the housewife who used to be the prettiest in her neighbourhood but who's realised she's ageing now so is bitter and is constantly talking about the wives in other houses.

On Mourinho being a pantomime villain and it all being part of the "show". Well thanks again for the input, but from where I'm standing when the "show" involves eye gouging, demanding that City be docked points, making pathetic gestures about being in handcuffs, and generally being a liar, a hypocrite, a cheat, and a bully - well I don't really care how many trophies he's won or what that represents in terms of the "show".

On his achievement of defending and cheating his way to the CL with Porto and Inter. Those mean nothing and like I said, it's only on his CV that they're remembered. Who remembers either of those finals? Nobody. Nobody cares. Just like Greece winning the euros or Chelsea's CL win with Di Matteo in charge. They're almost a joke. People snigger at them, they don't think back fondly "wow those were greats sides it was a joy to watch".
I'm not playing to the cheap seats when I call him a ****. I'm telling you what I think. He's a ****. He's like the housewife who used to be the prettiest in her neighbourhood but who's realised she's ageing now so is bitter and is constantly talking about the wives in other houses.

On Mourinho being a pantomime villain and it all being part of the "show". Well thanks again for the input, but from where I'm standing when the "show" involves eye gouging, demanding that City be docked points, making pathetic gestures about being in handcuffs, and generally being a liar, a hypocrite, a cheat, and a bully - well I don't really care how many trophies he's won or what that represents in terms of the "show".

On his achievement of defending and cheating his way to the CL with Porto and Inter. Those mean nothing and like I said, it's only on his CV that they're remembered. Who remembers either of those finals? Nobody. Nobody cares. Just like Greece winning the euros or Chelsea's CL win with Di Matteo in charge. They're almost a joke. People snigger at them, they don't think back fondly "wow those were greats sides it was a joy to watch".
You don't get it do you? If he played open attacking football with sides like Inter and Porto they'd have been blown away by their more talented opposition. This is what pragmatists do, they play the hand they've been dealt and get the best of the players they have at their disposal, something Pellegrini failed to do this season. You might not remember those finals, but I'm pretty sure the fans of Porto and Inter look back on them with great fondness. I'll give you another example, the title success and extremely close attempt at Champs League glory of Atletico Madrid under Simeone. An immense achievement to win La Liga against the giants of Barcelona and Real Madrid, and to come within a few seconds of winning the top European trophy. He plays open attacking football and he has no chance of competing for these trophies. Ask the Atletico fans what they prefer, pretty football and no trophies or a more pragmatic approach delivering genuine success.
You don't get it do you? If he played open attacking football with sides like Inter and Porto they'd have been blown away by their more talented opposition. This is what pragmatists do, they play the hand they've been dealt and get the best of the players they have at their disposal, something Pellegrini failed to do this season.

I don't respect pragmatists. They bore me to tears. And as I keep repeating, our club isn't interested in that kind of manager. I'm happy for the supporters of Inter and Porto. I'm sure they remember those finals fondly. The rest of the footballing world doesn't and that's the point. They're anomalies.

You also seem to be under the misapprehension that the only way to win with inferior players is by being pragmatic. A notion I simply don't agree with.

Anyway no offence but I'm bored. I know you love Mourinho and Simeone. I don't. Thankfully neither is coming here so I don't have to worry about them beyond the shit they talk about City.
With regards to the 1 or 2 horse race stuff:
When was the last time Porto won the Champs League before Mourinho went there?
When was the last time Chelsea won the League before Mourinho went there?
When was the last time Inter won the Champs League before Mourinho went there?
With regards to enjoying the football:
Who played the best football last season, City or Chelsea?
I’ve slowly started to notice your “negative” opinion on all things Jose, but initially I thought nothing off it until I remembered you held extremely different views on him not to long ago.

Here’s a just a few things you said back in 2012/13 whilst referring to man you now call “a ****”…..

This was in response to someone calling Mourinho a “****” for his general demeanor:
This for me is one of the poorest and most ill thought and ill judged arguments in all the ones about Mourinho. If Mancini were to poke Mike Phelan in the eye ... no wait, we'll go further, if Mancini were to headbutt Slur Alex during a touchline row, he would become a bigger City legend than Goater and Bell combined.

But, Billy, you’re now saying Mourinho is a **** for doing such a thing?

This was in response to someone saying “Mancini is not perfect but some of Mourinho’s acts are pretty rank”:
If Mancini had stuck a finger in Phelan's eye during the derby we'd be demanding a statue of him is erected immediately and it'd be another reason why he deserved his five year contract.

I know in your post, above, you stated you don’t respect pragmatists, but you once said this about Mourinho:
The head to heads between Real and Barca have been a bit of a disappointment, but again, what do people actually expect Mourinho to do. You can't on the one hand hold a team up as the greatest club team ever, then on the other hand criticise Mourinho for not trying to play them at their own game.
What, Billy? You mean you respect the fact that Mourinho wasn’t trying to beat Barcelona at their own game? I mean, that’s an understandable view to hold, even more so when you consider he adopted that pragmatic approach at times during his successes at Porto & Inter Milan, but then you’ve now suddenly said you don’t like that approcach. Do make your mind up.

Now for someone who has suddenly started to demean his achievements with the likes of Porto & Inter…
Best manager in the world. Still. Amazing isn't it that he'll probably not win La Liga this season and yet still be considered the best. Reputations are difficult to build, and easy to destroy. The fact that he's taken on what people consider the greatest team ever is a testament to his belief in himself.

There’s also these:
I don't think he's dragged Real's name down at all. They're a joke club run by jokers. What he has done is given them some pride back which, lets face it, if he weren't in charge, they wouldn't have because I don't think there's another manager out there who could engineer the kind of lead in the league that he has. What he's done at Real won't be respected until he leaves, and the next man is back to being Barca's woman.
No disrespect mate but I just don't agree with your reading of what Mourinho is. Little if any regard seems to be paid to the fact that Abramovich, Moratti, and the Real Madrid hierarchy (whoever they are), are three of the toughest owners to work under. They have little or no patience, little interest in building any long term stability, and are (or were in Inter's case) fixated with short term success. Mourinho went to all those clubs and delivered that success - however the inherently unstable nature of the way the clubs are run ensured that he (as any manager would) always had one foot out of the door.
On the subject of Mourinho. People get far too caught up in the public persona of people they don't know. The way people speak about him, you'd think he walks into a room, headbutts the nearest threat to him, then proceeds to make everyone circle jerk over headshots of himself.
I've written a few very lengthy posts on why I think he's as much the victim of circumstance than anything else.
I just don't see the point in football fans of any club trying to take the high moral ground and saying "i'd never want so and so at my club because of his morality.

Now you have posters on here (rightfully) saying that Mourinho is the better manager, and that his CV is justification for that, and that they hold the "I don't care if he's a bit of a ****" mindset, you're coming back with comments that appear extremely hypocritical given your past views on the man.

I’ve slowly started to notice your “negative” opinion on all things Jose, but initially I thought nothing off it until I remembered you held extremely different views on him not to long ago.

Here’s a just a few things you said back in 2012/13 whilst referring to man you now call “a ****”…..

This was in response to someone calling Mourinho a “****” for his general demeanor:

But, Billy, you’re now saying Mourinho is a **** for doing such a thing?

This was in response to someone saying “Mancini is not perfect but some of Mourinho’s acts are pretty rank”:

I know in your post, above, you stated you don’t respect pragmatists, but you once said this about Mourinho:

What, Billy? You mean you respect the fact that Mourinho wasn’t trying to beat Barcelona at their own game? I mean, that’s an understandable view to hold, even more so when you consider he adopted that pragmatic approach at times during his successes at Porto & Inter Milan, but then you’ve now suddenly said you don’t like that approcach. Do make your mind up.

Now for someone who has suddenly started to demean his achievements with the likes of Porto & Inter…

There’s also these:

Now you have posters on here (rightfully) saying that Mourinho is the better manager, and that his CV is justification for that, and that they hold the "I don't care if he's a bit of a ****" mindset, you're coming back with comments that appear extremely hypocritical given your past views on the man.


Haha. Wow. You must be really upset I unfollowed you on Twitter to feel the need to do the above. However you'll find other posts from me in the last six months openly admitting that when Mancini was on his last legs I really fancied the idea of Mourinho at City. His return to Chelsea and return to the public eye in England reminded me though of what a **** he is. Others saw that from a distance and I didn't. I can only apologise for that. If that makes me a hypocrite well, I won't lose too much sleep over it. I've been called much worse by posters I actually respect.
Haha. Wow. You must be really upset I unfollowed you on Twitter to feel the need to do the above. However you'll find other posts from me in the last six months openly admitting that when Mancini was on his last legs I really fancied the idea of Mourinho at City. His return to Chelsea and return to the public eye in England reminded me though of what a **** he is. Others saw that from a distance and I didn't. I can only apologise for that. If that makes me a hypocrite well, I won't lose too much sleep over it. I've been called much worse by posters I actually respect.

You couldn't even begin to imagine.
I’ve slowly started to notice your “negative” opinion on all things Jose, but initially I thought nothing off it until I remembered you held extremely different views on him not to long ago.

Here’s a just a few things you said back in 2012/13 whilst referring to man you now call “a ****”…..

This was in response to someone calling Mourinho a “****” for his general demeanor:

But, Billy, you’re now saying Mourinho is a **** for doing such a thing?

This was in response to someone saying “Mancini is not perfect but some of Mourinho’s acts are pretty rank”:

I know in your post, above, you stated you don’t respect pragmatists, but you once said this about Mourinho:

What, Billy? You mean you respect the fact that Mourinho wasn’t trying to beat Barcelona at their own game? I mean, that’s an understandable view to hold, even more so when you consider he adopted that pragmatic approach at times during his successes at Porto & Inter Milan, but then you’ve now suddenly said you don’t like that approcach. Do make your mind up.

Now for someone who has suddenly started to demean his achievements with the likes of Porto & Inter…

There’s also these:

Now you have posters on here (rightfully) saying that Mourinho is the better manager, and that his CV is justification for that, and that they hold the "I don't care if he's a bit of a ****" mindset, you're coming back with comments that appear extremely hypocritical given your past views on the man.

PMSL. ;)

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