
Don't think the fickleness of singing fuck off Mourinho one week is that big a deal.

I just don't think he's the guarantee of success that some think. And I think it would come at the cost of the club in terms of reputation, relationships with an already hostile media and a lot of haters. And for me it would be more about Mourinho FC than Manchester City FC.

And I quite like Jose, but for me he can go to the rags.
moomba said:
Don't think the fickleness of singing fuck off Mourinho one week is that big a deal.

I just don't think he's the guarantee of success that some think. And I think it would come at the cost of the club in terms of reputation, relationships with an already hostile media and a lot of haters. And for me it would be more about Mourinho FC than Manchester City FC.

And I quite like Jose, but for me he can go to the rags.
you`re worried about our reputation & our relationship with the media ? ffs i`m speachless.
chesterbells said:
mad zab said:
chesterbells said:
Really? I had no idea. When did this happen?
Are you ITK mate??

When they chose Pep for Barca

Yep, but that was 4 or 5 years ago, different situation. Pep was already there with the B team, Jose hadnt had his stint in Italy - and who knows what the decision making process was and how much impact our 2 execs had, and how much in agreement or not they both were

Not claiming to know what's swirling around in Soriano's head. Just pointing out that if Mourinho is released, they have roughly the same dilemma today as in 2008.

Ultimately they were hugely vindicated for that decision and the direction it took the club from seeking managers outside to promoting from within. I would not expect a different outcome this time, especially with Mourinho's history of conflict with executives and internal political power plays.

But Sheikh Mansour is the ultimate deciding factor. If he wants Mourinho, I've no doubt it will be Mourinho.
hgblue said:
Rammy Blue said:
inbetween said:
He will win us the Champions League if he comes here but he will not leave a legacy


Funny isn't it? United fans will shit bricks if he comes here. Wonder why?

Ushited fans would shit bricks if Henning Berg came here. Who gives a shit what they think.

Morono can fuck off to the swamp for all I care.
I would prefer someone who can actually teach the boys how to play beautiful football , someone who doesn't need to spend 100million every season and i can't think of anyone else to do this other than this guy :

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