Nasri [Merged] continued.

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jjeangi said:
big blueballs said:
super_city_si said:
I dont get this agent fee business. If thats what the hold up is.

Surely NAsri employs the agent. Any fee the agent gets should come as a percentage of whatever signing on fee Nasri gets? It shouldnt be up to the buying club to buy the player and then pay the agent for the priviledge of doing so?

If i had an agent and he was responsible for my big money move collapsing, he wouldnt be my agent for very long.
That's the problem, players won't pay the agents fees as there will probably be more than one agent involved, this is the reason agents are an unwelcome part of football, the club will be expected to pay the fees, football is a strange industry
Fucked up innit?

I know here in the states. Agents have their commissions capped like in NFL its like 6%. They know its easy money. Uefa or the FA could it it too, but courts might not look favorably on it, and since the clubs pay the agents directly the players dont seem to care. If the Uefa made the players pay the agents that would clean up alot of this.
Lancet Fluke said:
stony said:
Lancet Fluke said:
Slightly different situation though. Am I right in saying that Arsenal charge the highest prices in world football? Certainly they cannot be far off. Expecting fans to pay those prices whilst selling off top players and replacing them with kids on the cheap is just asking too much especially given the economy etc.

They were happy to pay those prices when they were winning but suddenly because they're looking shit they aren't happy.
They can obviously afford to go or the ground wouldn't have been full these last few years. The only difference is that they look like losing their place at the top table.
They are the very definition of fair weather fans. Glory hunting twats who are having a strop because Wenger's transfer policy isn't working. The same transfer policy that they've been bragging about for the last few years.

Fair weather, glory hunting cunts.

I take your point to an extent but I do think when a club goes down the route of fleecing the supporters to that extent then the whole thing then relies on the team being successful. Basically charging 80 quid a seat tests a fan's loyalty and that doesn't surprise me at all.

The prices they charge are ridiculous but when they were winning they were happy to pay it.
We've had it rammed down our throats that Arsenal are doing it the right way. If fleecing fans and selling your best players and replacing them with kids is the right way then fuck knows what the wrong way is.
If they had moaned about the prices when things were looking rosy on the pitch, I would have had some sympathy for them.

Not much though.
Pretty sure the agents 'charge' their clients a percentage of their salary too, usually between 5-10%.
That's in exchange for them negotiating better contracts for their clients.
richards30 said:
super_city_si said:
I dont get this agent fee business. If thats what the hold up is.

Surely NAsri employs the agent. Any fee the agent gets should come as a percentage of whatever signing on fee Nasri gets? It shouldnt be up to the buying club to buy the player and then pay the agent for the priviledge of doing so?

If i had an agent and he was responsible for my big money move collapsing, he wouldnt be my agent for very long.
Yeah but no fucker wants to pay said agent mate including nasri!!! Am sure a compromise will be sorted though and am still sure nasri will be a blue on Monday/Tuesday.
This ^^^^^^^^^^
super_city_si said:
richards30 said:
super_city_si said:
I dont get this agent fee business. If thats what the hold up is.

Surely NAsri employs the agent. Any fee the agent gets should come as a percentage of whatever signing on fee Nasri gets? It shouldnt be up to the buying club to buy the player and then pay the agent for the priviledge of doing so?

If i had an agent and he was responsible for my big money move collapsing, he wouldnt be my agent for very long.
Yeah but no fucker wants to pay said agent mate including nasri!!! Am sure a compromise will be sorted though and am still sure nasri will be a blue on Monday/Tuesday.

Its crazy. Nasri employs the agent. I would have thought some governing body would have intervened at some stage regarding the payment of agents. If a player gets an agent to deal on his behalf then the player should be paying him.
I totally agree mate!!! If nasri doubles his potential wages then he should be happy to cut his employee in!!!! Like I said I'm totally confident this will get done, it's gone too far and all is still agreed I.e fee and contract etc.
Its not as if the players aren't bleeding the game dry enough as it is.
I can't understand why more players don't use the PFA agent service when moving clubs. I think they bill hourly, far cheaper than using a full time agent and they know what the players earn at each club so they know what the going rate is. As a player you could always turn round and say no if you didn't like the deal they'd struck for you.
Stats from today


I'm sure when a player as good as Nasri is coming to contract extension time then he shouldn't need an agent, what does an agent do that Nasri couldn't do himself and keep all of his cash?

Arse- we would like to offer you £80k
Nasri's agent- I think he could get better elsewhere.

Why couldn't Nasri say that he could get better wages elsewhere without all the rigmarole?

The role of 'agent' really confuses me with contracts etc... I understand their involvement in transfers to some extent like Chelsea use Pini Zhavi a lot as a broker.
adamgregory said:
I'm sure when a player as good as Nasri is coming to contract extension time then he shouldn't need an agent, what does an agent do that Nasri couldn't do himself and keep all of his cash?

Arse- we would like to offer you £80k
Nasri's agent- I think he could get better elsewhere.

Why couldn't Nasri say that he could get better wages elsewhere without all the rigmarole?

The role of 'agent' really confuses me with contracts etc... I understand their involvement in transfers to some extent like Chelsea use Pini Zhavi a lot as a broker.

I think agents do more than just negotiate wages and transfers. I would imagine they are also responsible for arranging sponsorships and marketing for their client etc...
Gareth Barry proved that there is absolutely no need for the agent industry, full stop.
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