NDJ doubters ... do you need further evidence ??

i felt like i was watching some blockbuster action film watching de jong today

been a fan from day one

he made tevez look lazy.
Arry is Bent said:
Dear oh dear Sabster.

I am not saying NDJ is the best MIDFIELDER in the world as he clearly isn't.

I am saying he is the best DEFENSIVE MIDFIELDER in the world.

There is a huge difference.

Whom do you think is a better defensive midfielder in world football ?

Ok although I will guarantee you will probably say some of them are not DMs (because for you I DM should solely tackle and nothing else, which leaves about 3 actual DMs in the world)


Mascherano, Barry, Y. Toure, Alonso, L. Diarra, Both Sissoko's, Pirlo, Cambiasso, Busquets etc etc
Sabster said:
Arry is Bent said:
NDJ is BY FAR the best defensive midfielder in the world.

Better than Mascherano.

Anyone who doubts his ability simply doesn't understand the game, sorry.

Another logical cohesive Argument.....

-- Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:21 pm --

Gelsons Dad said:
I like him and I'm a rocket scientist.

But you don't think he is world class....

Ahh... I see. Funny, because until you told me what I think, I thought I thought he was.
There are no NDJ doubters. However there are people like me who think he is lavishly overpraised at the expense of others. I still think he's a great player, and it's not his fault people get a bit overzealous about him, but it is still a bit irritating. However I want to take nothing away from his performance today, he was excellent.
kippaxblue76 said:
I'll try again seeing as you still haven't responded 'Sabster'.

Did you go to the Blackburn game and notice how much we missed him in that game? He is one of the best at what he does in the prem, breaks up attacks time after time, hardly ever gives it away and is always in the right place. That is what he is in the team to do and it allows others on the pitch to play there game, it's that simple. Top 2/3 in the prem at what he does.

I didn't think we missed him at all......
If anything it was a positive: we played the best attacking football we have played all season.
Did De Jong shag your women, Sabster? Your hatred of him is illogical, no matter what he does you won't celebrate him. His performance today was a masterclass and rather than celebrate it you are again fighting hard to demean him.
Sabster said:
oakiecokie said:
Well I think the old adage "if you live by the sword ..." certainly springs to mind,so be prepared for the shit thrown at you !!

Honestly the insults just confirm my point.

People that think De Jong is world class are uneducated idiots. (Although I do understand why they like him)

-- Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:24 pm --

samharris said:
he is....he seriously knows fook all about football.

Fuck me if you think NDJ is fast or has any Physical presense you know nothing.

Remember the no of games last season our midfield was bypassed..

I am still waiting for a coherent argument supportiong De Jong

what gives you the right to say that you are right and everyone else is wrong ??

its up to you to prove that he isnt...and you wont...you butted into this thread with your high and mighty comments..so back them up with proof or please stfu... you are in the minority so you have to supply the proof..not us.
LoveCity said:
Did De Jong shag your women, Sabster? Your hatred of him is illogical, no matter what he does you won't celebrate him. His performance today was a masterclass and rather than celebrate it you are again fighting hard to demean him.

Bit touchy are you.. I have no hatred of him. This post sums up perfectly what I think about him:

gmtx said:
There are no NDJ doubters. However there are people like me who think he is lavishly overpraised at the expense of others. I still think he's a great player, and it's not his fault people get a bit overzealous about him, but it is still a bit irritating. However I want to take nothing away from his performance today, he was excellent.
Sabster said:
Arry is Bent said:
Dear oh dear Sabster.

I am not saying NDJ is the best MIDFIELDER in the world as he clearly isn't.

I am saying he is the best DEFENSIVE MIDFIELDER in the world.

There is a huge difference.

Whom do you think is a better defensive midfielder in world football ?

Ok although I will guarantee you will probably say some of them are not DMs (because for you I DM should solely tackle and nothing else, which leaves about 3 actual DMs in the world)


Mascherano, Barry, Y. Toure, Alonso, L. Diarra, Both Sissoko's, Pirlo, Cambiasso, Busquets etc etc

Barry,Xabi Alonso,Pirlo and Esteban Cambiasson are not pacey players.
I dont think you have a clue what you are talking about mate.
samharris said:
Sabster said:
Honestly the insults just confirm my point.

People that think De Jong is world class are uneducated idiots. (Although I do understand why they like him)

-- Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:24 pm --

Fuck me if you think NDJ is fast or has any Physical presense you know nothing.

Remember the no of games last season our midfield was bypassed..

I am still waiting for a coherent argument supportiong De Jong

what gives you the right to say that you are right and everyone else is wrong ??

its up to you to prove that he isnt...and you wont...you butted into this thread with your high and mighty comments..so back them up with proof or please stfu... you are in the minority so you have to supply the proof..not us.

Another intelligent comment...

Every single think I say about De Jong is backed up with information...

It is then you duty to respond, I am not claiming I am right, but am still yet to have any responce to my cohesive comments about about De Jong.

Most comments include "You are a fucking rag" etc.

-- Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:35 pm --

staffs_blue said:
Sabster said:
Ok although I will guarantee you will probably say some of them are not DMs (because for you I DM should solely tackle and nothing else, which leaves about 3 actual DMs in the world)


Mascherano, Barry, Y. Toure, Alonso, L. Diarra, Both Sissoko's, Pirlo, Cambiasso, Busquets etc etc

Barry,Xabi Alonso,Pirlo and Esteban Cambiasson are not pacey players.
I dont think you have a clue what you are talking about mate.

I know, but what else do they have???

Supreme technical ability and reading of the game combined with decent physicality and tackling.

The way I see it you have two kind of DMs: passers and physical monsters

De Jong is neither.<br /><br />-- Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:36 pm --<br /><br />
Gelsons Dad said:
Sabster said:
Another logical cohesive Argument.....

-- Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:21 pm --

But you don't think he is world class....

Ahh... I see. Funny, because until you told me what I think, I thought I thought he was.

Then I severly doubt you claims of intelligence

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