Netflix, hacked e-mail and unable to login

Man-chester copperpot

Well-Known Member
15 Jan 2017
What an absolute ball-ache. Sick of it.

So i had a Hotmail address for 18yrs.
Joined Netflix and before you know it, people getting into my Netflix account and changing it from Argentina.
Netflix reset my details before it got hacked again and again with the billing details being changed.

They then hacked into my Hotmail address and changed the details so i couldn’t login.
After answering all Microsoft questions they constantly rejecting my answers and I lost all e-mails. Pissed right fucking off!
I cancelled my Netflix account.

Can’t close the Hotmail address as i can’t login so god knows whats happening to it.

Opened an Outlook account. I had to contact everyone, bills, banks etc….with my new e-mail address. It took ages with passing security.
Opened a new Netflix account.
6mths down the line and my Netflix account hacked again and now being used in Spain so i cancelled it straight away.

I then had updates in the last 24hrs that my Outlook e-mail has been logged into in Spain, in Canada & in China.
Today they have hacked into my Outlook address and i cant get back in. Fucking pissed off again.

As you know, a lot of information is on our e-mail account.

It’s an absolute waste of time trying to contact the Microsoft account team.
1) They only way to either Reset or change anything is for Microsoft to send a code to the 2nd e-mail address on the account (which the hacker has inputted- some random gmail address)
There is no option for me to update a family member e-mail address or option to send the code my mobile)
2) Called the Microsoft telephone number to which an answermachine advises you to e-mail them (how can i do that when i can’t get into my e-mail account?)

Has anybody else had this problem with Netflix?

Anybody been logged out of there Hotmail/Outlook accounts and ever managed to get it back?
Seems impossible to pass there security questions!

Looks like i’m having to create a 3rd e-mail address and contact everyone again with the new details.
Lesson learnt - stay away from fucking Netflix

Rant over
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Add a PIN number to Netflix
We had loads of problems with it being hacked till we put a pin on
Are you doing all this from your phone? Sounds like you have some Trojan malware just watching everything you do.
Yes pal.
Never any problems til Netflix get involved.
No problems with my Banking apps or anything like that!

Just pissed off i can’t get back in as Microsoft have made it impossible
What an absolute ball-ache. Sick of it.

So i had a Hotmail address for 18yrs.
Joined Netflix and before you know it, people getting into my Netflix account and changing it from Argentina.
Netflix reset my details before it got hacked again and again with the billing details being changed.

They then hacked into my Hotmail address and changed the details so i couldn’t login.
After answering all Microsoft questions they constantly rejecting my answers and I lost all e-mails. Pissed right fucking off!
I cancelled my Netflix account.

Can’t close the Hotmail address as i can’t login so god knows whats happening to it.

Opened an Outlook account. I had to contact everyone, bills, banks etc….with my new e-mail address. It took ages with passing security.
Opened a new Netflix account.
6mths down the line and my Netflix account hacked again and now being used in Spain so i cancelled it straight away.

I then had updates in the last 24hrs that my Outlook e-mail has been logged into in Spain, in Canada & in China.
Today they have hacked into my Outlook address and i cant get back in. Fucking pissed off again.

As you know, a lot of information is on our e-mail account.

It’s an absolute waste of time trying to contact the Microsoft account team.
1) They only way to either Reset or change anything is for Microsoft to send a code to the 2nd e-mail address on the account (which the hacker has inputted- some random gmail address)
There is no option for me to update a family member e-mail address or option to send the code my mobile)
2) Called the Microsoft telephone number to which an answermachine advises you to e-mail them (how can i do that when i can’t get into my e-mail account?)

Has anybody else had this problem with Netflix?

Anybody been logged out of there Hotmail/Outlook accounts and ever managed to get it back?
Seems impossible to pass there security questions!

Looks like i’m having to create a 3rd e-mail address and contact everyone again with the new details.
Lesson learnt - stay away from fucking Netflix

Rant over
You are clearly some sort of pervert and have been looking at more online filth recently than most of us can ever imagine. Smash your laptop into tiny pieces and burn them, then change your name by deed pole. You might also need to move house before the eastern European / SE Asian women start turning up and firing ping pong balls at your windows.
You are clearly some sort of pervert and have been looking at more online filth recently than most of us can ever imagine. Smash your laptop into tiny pieces and burn them, then change your name by deed pole. You might also need to move house before the eastern European / SE Asian women start turning up and firing ping pong balls at your windows.
Correct, i am and i’m going to do exactly what you said!

Hold fucking on, how do you know i’m a pervert and been watching filth?
Have you got Trojan Malware? Are you in Canada, Spain or China motherfucker? ;-)
Correct, i am and i’m going to do exactly what you said!

Hold fucking on, how do you know i’m a pervert and been watching filth?
Have you got Trojan Malware? Are you in Canada, Spain or China motherfucker? ;-)
No, as I said in my email I'm a Nigerian prince. Still waiting on those bank details.

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