
Well-Known Member
19 Apr 2009
I urge you dont be fooled by all the shiny new buttons,new houses are thrown together shite.I live on a new estate where people have been fooled into paying 250-320k for houses worth at least 100k less,most of them half deserve it because they act like their millionaires.
We bought one of the apartments coz we got it dirt cheap,in fact the last few 50-60k less than what some people paid and despite looking beautiful inside,all the fittings are cheap and flimsy and the only reason they've put MOST of it right is coz they were all still on site and I must say everything inside and I mean EVERYTHING,has needed fixing.
Hold the front page..................

new houses, put up in months, with no internal supporting walls, with thin studded walls, with no space between them and the neighbours, with no usable loft space, with no storage facility, no parking facility with a huge price tag are in fact nothing else but mock tudor eye candy, designed to catch the eye of the two wage one kid family that are crap and fall apart in under a decade.

no shhit sherlock!!!!
brass neck said:
Hold the front page..................

new houses, put up in months, with no internal supporting walls, with thin studded walls, with no space between them and the neighbours, with no usable loft space, with no storage facility, no parking facility with a huge price tag are in fact nothing else but mock tudor eye candy, designed to catch the eye of the two wage one kid family that are crap and fall apart in under a decade.

no shhit sherlock!!!!
Arise sir smart arse!TIT

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