New PL Commercial rule passed (pg4) | City rumoured to be questioning the legality

To establish market value they would need to speak to the prospective sponsor and see their figures and plans for justification (you know - like sensitive and in some cases critical business details ) of offering the agreed contact amounts. They have absolutely no right to demand that business critical detail that may be of use to a rival.

Let's just say, for example, you were an American bank, with no branches or current account offerings in the UK, why would you sponsor a English football team? Or maybe you're an American car manufacturer and don't have any dealerships in the UK? What is the market advantage of sponsoring an PL team and when do the figures justify the investment?

An investor may say, ' I want to grow my brand internationally and have looked at business plans and engagement of local communities around the world but crucially, success would drive that idea.

Anyway, they are all valid reasons, whether we like them or not, and it's up to them.

p.s . Obviously, if the American bank in the example, were to have committed various money laundering activities and dealt with terrorists, they would need to sportwash their reputation and only they would know the value of sponsorship against their profits from said activities.
Two things
PL is a global entity the players shirts are see world wide
Standard Chartered is a UK bank who operate globally
Just woke up and seen this thread, read through the pages just now.

It seems we have warned the PL that they may face a legal challenge - whether that is us or possibly Newcastle remains to be seen

In regards to the other clubs, i just dont understand why they choose to align with the red mafia. I can only assune that they actually dont care about what the fans deem aspirations/dreams about one day challenging or winning a trophy....i think these clubs owners are just happy to ride the coat tails of the red cartel and not have to spend money

The premier league is currently managaed by a patsy that tge red cartel can manipulate.. seems that comment about them having too much power/sway in decisions have once again come home to roost

The so-called associated-party transaction (APT) rules are intended to ensure a level playing field among English football's elite teams by preventing clubs from signing commercial deals at inflated prices, thereby enabling them to spend even greater sums on players.

Level playing field for who?
Who the hell do the premier league think they are to hold the power about commercial deals being inflated and then be judge and executioner to say no deal - and who actually has input on that decision by the premier league!

Maybe this rule is aimed at both Newcastle and our club

Long shot. But maybe this rule being enforced is a indication that the current 115 charges are about to be swatted away by our legal team
You really could fall out of love with the game, they're looking to change the game all the fucking time and all for the wrong reasons as well. Var, blue cards, ffp etc etc. All the shit aimed at City on a daily basis gets you fucking angry as well
Can I ask a simple question, Why do the Premier League and its members want to protect the Scum, Only a couple of seasons ago they were leaving to form the Super League, If that was not a sign they don't care about anybody else then I don't know what is,

Manchester City did not want to leave, But had to protect themselves and agree to leave, again peer pressure from the scum saying if they leave they will be no Premier League or Champions League or European football or the sort of money it will bring if we stay,
Two things
PL is a global entity the players shirts are see world wide
Standard Chartered is a UK bank who operate globally
I stand corrected
Two things
PL is a global entity the players shirts are see world wide
Standard Chartered is a UK bank who operate globally
Maybe I wasn't clear, apologies, but the point was whether we like it or not, it is up to the individual companies and PL's global appeal is a valid reason. for some companies.
I love references to a 'level playing field'.

When, in the history of top-flight football has there been a 'level playing field'? Answer, never. The teams who whine most would be horrified if there was such a thing. It would mean all revenues pooled and split 20 ways. More chance of me being elected President for Life of the Commonwealth of Great Britain.

What they mean is: 'We want Rags, LFC, Arsenal and Chelsea to be in the Top 4 every year. Chelsea can slip out occasionally to be replaced by Spurs or whoever. That's what we mean by 'level playing field'.'

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