New song for Foden

To the tune of McNamara's band.

Well we've got young Phil Foden
He's a leader in our team
The finest fucking passer that the
World has ever seen
He's here, he's there he's everywhere
He scores some vital goals
And as for Man Utd(can insert a player you hate here). you can
stick them(him)up your hole.

Na na na, oh na na na na

Needs work.

As Blackadder might have put it.

It's starts poorly, fades in the middle and the least said about the end, the better. But apart from.that, Brilliant.

I'll get ma coat.
Phil Foden is magic,
He’ll turn you inside out,
Some call him skin-fade Gascoigne,
He’s better there’s no doubt,
He scores goals with his left,
He scores goals with his right,
And when we win the champions league,
They’ll all say Pogba is shite
To Zabba (sorry fella)
A couple of weeks ago I had the one hit wonder "Spaceman" by Babylon Zoo in my head, to which I was singing to myself "Foden, I always wanted you to score, Phil Foden, City and England's pride" on repeat - more chance of me being the next City manager than that taking off

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