Newcastle - Sir Joseph

I liked Joey a lot as a player and as a person. Most footballers with a brain tend to land themselves in trouble because they see the bigger picture and allow things to get to them- Bellamy, Barton, Robbie Savage, Le seaux etc etc are far more intelligent, eloquent than a truly thick footballer like Beckham who can be controlled and manipulated by managers and told what to do and when, i.e a robot.

As a footballer Joey could have been a top 6 central midfielder if he was managed properly, applied himself a bit more and not been a fool off the field, but to say the potential was not there is a lie and smacks of sour grapes from our part. I always found his honesty refreshing, his interviews showed he genuinely cared about the club and like it or not he almost single handedly kept us in the premier league 4 years ago-who knows where we would have been then, so maybe the ‘thanks joey’ stuff is not too far off the truth.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I liked Joey a lot as a player and as a person. Most footballers with a brain tend to land themselves in trouble because they see the bigger picture and allow things to get to them- Bellamy, Barton, Robbie Savage, Le seaux etc etc are far more intelligent, eloquent than a truly thick footballer like Beckham who can be controlled and manipulated by managers and told what to do and when, i.e a robot.

As a footballer Joey could have been a top 6 central midfielder if he was managed properly, applied himself a bit more and not been a fool off the field, but to say the potential was not there is a lie and smacks of sour grapes from our part. I always found his honesty refreshing, his interviews showed he genuinely cared about the club and like it or not he almost single handedly kept us in the premier league 4 years ago-who knows where we would have been then, so maybe the ‘thanks joey’ stuff is not too far off the truth.

Blow me down with a feather.

I only bloody agree with you.

There is hope for world peace after all.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I liked Joey a lot as a player and as a person. Most footballers with a brain tend to land themselves in trouble because they see the bigger picture and allow things to get to them- Bellamy, Barton, Robbie Savage, Le seaux etc etc are far more intelligent, eloquent than a truly thick footballer like Beckham who can be controlled and manipulated by managers and told what to do and when, i.e a robot.

As a footballer Joey could have been a top 6 central midfielder if he was managed properly, applied himself a bit more and not been a fool off the field, but to say the potential was not there is a lie and smacks of sour grapes from our part. I always found his honesty refreshing, his interviews showed he genuinely cared about the club and like it or not he almost single handedly kept us in the premier league 4 years ago-who knows where we would have been then, so maybe the ‘thanks joey’ stuff is not too far off the truth.

Well put
If Joey was as good as people are making him out to be, top 6 player ect then why did no one touch him when we were skint and shite? and don't say his off the field baggage as Bellamy has had plenty of clubs and admirers, as has Antonio Cassano.

The fact he hasn't is because not only was the rent-a-quote wanker a thug, he didn't have the talent or ability to make you take a chance of all that off the field baggage.
spot on immaculate pasta. i loved barton at one point however he really is just an arrogant prick. joey was given shed loads of chances by the managers, the fans and the club. he thought he was bigger than mcfc most of the time, attacked our players, caused havoc with ludicrously timed transfer requests and all this 'i kept city up' show he was an arrogant cnut too. (iirc dunne & mpenza were pretty important too).

i'll be forever grateful to him, however he's just an average player hyped up because he showed a bit of passion and played in one of our worst teams.
Immaculate Pasta said:
If Joey was as good as people are making him out to be, top 6 player ect then why did no one touch him when we were skint and shite? and don't say his off the field baggage as Bellamy has had plenty of clubs and admirers, as has Antonio Cassano.

The fact he hasn't is because not only was the rent-a-quote wanker a thug, he didn't have the talent or ability to make you take a chance of all that off the field baggage.

Did you know you're probably the only city fan who's opinion I respect yet cannot say a good word about Barton?
Danamy said:
de niro said:
said it before and i'll say it again, he just would not let our team stroll though games as we have been doing, anyone not pulling his weight would get a bollocking, regardless of how much they cost.

good player to have around if you ask me.

I don't think Dabo would agree? lol

I think Dabo would agree, scared of getting the shit kicked out of him again
I liked Barton when he was with us, He always gave 110% week in week out and played a big part in us staying in the Premier League, I will always like him for that even though he was a pr*ck off the pitch.

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