Next Season

Whats 'Knocking off their perch'?

Finishing above them, or winning the league, as this may be two different things next year. They have had a good year this year, but Chelsea will have a new boss and may bring in a few signings of their own, so 2nd could be above the rags.

Lets just win the league and do both. Easy.......
Pigeonho said:
We won't knock them off their perch until we have won what they have won since the inception of the PL, and that will take at least 18 years. During that 18 years they too will be winning things. Said this before, I think people need to get used to the fact that they will be challenging for trophies alongside us, which I personally don't mind, (because there's nothing I can do about it). City and United will dominate domestic and quite possibly European football for sometime. Bragging rights in the City will switch depending on who wins the league each season, but until we surpass their haul they will always have that over us. That's why I put a '?' next to posts which label United fans now as 'bitter'. They have nothing to be bitter about.......yet.

Unless they can sort that debt out I envisage their era of dominance is over for the foreseeable future. They could well struggle with expectancy when they get a new manager too.
To me, if we can finish consistently in the top 2/3 for another couple of seasons, we have reached a level where we truly are an elite club.
The danger of these sorts of conversations are that "if we don't win the league
next year it will constitute failure"
No it will not, we have to get that consistency, always in the top 2/3, regularly
competing in the Champions League.
If we don't make it through the group stages, we will be in it again the season after, this is my point, we are on a learning curve, on the up, but at the bottom of the curve.
We have to get out of the mentality of trying to beat Manchester United, we are not them, we are Manchester City, we have to compete on our own terms, not measure ourselves against United, that has been the downfall of our club, particularly when Swales was in charge, he was obsessed to the point of madness with trying to get one over on them, it killed him in the end.
Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
We won't knock them off their perch until we have won what they have won since the inception of the PL, and that will take at least 18 years. During that 18 years they too will be winning things. Said this before, I think people need to get used to the fact that they will be challenging for trophies alongside us, which I personally don't mind, (because there's nothing I can do about it). City and United will dominate domestic and quite possibly European football for sometime. Bragging rights in the City will switch depending on who wins the league each season, but until we surpass their haul they will always have that over us. That's why I put a '?' next to posts which label United fans now as 'bitter'. They have nothing to be bitter about.......yet.

Unless they can sort that debt out I envisage their era of dominance is over for the foreseeable future. They could well struggle with expectancy when they get a new manager too.
I think DD that it's naive to presume they have no money for players. A rag I know, (and i've not bothered to check this out), reckons that Companies House holds records that show United have excess money of £100m+, and that is supposed to be available for players. They will strengthen this summer, (they have too), and I think it looks like Scholes has decided to go and that means Sneijder will be theirs. Add to that the 'keeper factor, and how they haven't bent over backwards to keep VDS, (which I would have thought they would have done if they were skint), it says to me they do have money to spend. Like I say, they have to because alot of their players, key players at that, are nearing the end.
blucat599 said:
To me, if we can finish consistently in the top 2/3 for another couple of seasons, we have reached a level where we truly are an elite club.
The danger of these sorts of conversations are that "if we don't win the league
next year it will constitute failure"
No it will not, we have to get that consistency, always in the top 2/3, regularly
competing in the Champions League.
If we don't make it through the group stages, we will be in it again the season after, this is my point, we are on a learning curve, on the up, but at the bottom of the curve.
We have to get out of the mentality of trying to beat Manchester United, we are not them, we are Manchester City, we have to compete on our own terms, not measure ourselves against United, that has been the downfall of our club, particularly when Swales was in charge, he was obsessed to the point of madness with trying to get one over on them, it killed him in the end.

Totally disagree. This club will not tolerate standing still, we are all about momentum. Have you lsitened to the chairman's interview? We are good enough for a title challenge now and that has to be the aim.

Whilst I agree that chasing Utd has been a real problem at the club in the past, now the goalposts have moved and that should be our aim. They are not better or richer than us. They are the champions and that is where we want to be. Our "mentality" should be that of winners now. Like them, if we don't win the league we should be gutted.

We are quite rightly hunting them down, no more Mr nice Guy.

Ferguson used Liverpool as his motivation when he joined them, and we should use them as ours now.
yes we can. I know people argue for less signings but look how many players they used this season, esp in midfield.

we already have a better 1st XI. with more depth we can win the PL next season. simples.
We are three first team and three squad players away from the title.
I still think if one or two things had been done slightly different,coupled with a tad more luck with injuries,we could have done it this time - a fantastic climax to the season but we arrived at the party a bit too late.....

I'm very confident about next.
Pigeonho said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
We won't knock them off their perch until we have won what they have won since the inception of the PL, and that will take at least 18 years. During that 18 years they too will be winning things. Said this before, I think people need to get used to the fact that they will be challenging for trophies alongside us, which I personally don't mind, (because there's nothing I can do about it). City and United will dominate domestic and quite possibly European football for sometime. Bragging rights in the City will switch depending on who wins the league each season, but until we surpass their haul they will always have that over us. That's why I put a '?' next to posts which label United fans now as 'bitter'. They have nothing to be bitter about.......yet.

Unless they can sort that debt out I envisage their era of dominance is over for the foreseeable future. They could well struggle with expectancy when they get a new manager too.
I think DD that it's naive to presume they have no money for players. A rag I know, (and i've not bothered to check this out), reckons that Companies House holds records that show United have excess money of £100m+, and that is supposed to be available for players. They will strengthen this summer, (they have too), and I think it looks like Scholes has decided to go and that means Sneijder will be theirs. Add to that the 'keeper factor, and how they haven't bent over backwards to keep VDS, (which I would have thought they would have done if they were skint), it says to me they do have money to spend. Like I say, they have to because alot of their players, key players at that, are nearing the end.

They have cash, that's true, but they also have enormous book debts. And they have an owner in this for profit, not glory. There's only so much profit you can make on a single player. They'll manage, no doubt, but already they are stepping aside every time we show an interest in a player. This happened with David Silva. IT sounds to be happening with Alexis Sanchez. They can't compete with our fees and our wages. We nearly lost them their best player this season.

I posted on here last season a thread about rumours of United's demise being greatly exagerated. But I honestly think this season is their swansong. I don't think they'll collapse of course - with the revenues they have that won't happen. But I think we will overtake them. And I think if they can't see that they are blind.
Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Unless they can sort that debt out I envisage their era of dominance is over for the foreseeable future. They could well struggle with expectancy when they get a new manager too.
I think DD that it's naive to presume they have no money for players. A rag I know, (and i've not bothered to check this out), reckons that Companies House holds records that show United have excess money of £100m+, and that is supposed to be available for players. They will strengthen this summer, (they have too), and I think it looks like Scholes has decided to go and that means Sneijder will be theirs. Add to that the 'keeper factor, and how they haven't bent over backwards to keep VDS, (which I would have thought they would have done if they were skint), it says to me they do have money to spend. Like I say, they have to because alot of their players, key players at that, are nearing the end.

They have cash, that's true, but they also have enormous book debts. And they have an owner in this for profit, not glory. There's only so much profit you can make on a single player. They'll manage, no doubt, but already they are stepping aside every time we show an interest in a player. This happened with David Silva. IT sounds to be happening with Alexis Sanchez. They can't compete with our fees and our wages. We nearly lost them their best player this season.

I posted on here last season a thread about rumours of United's demise being greatly exagerated. But I honestly think this season is their swansong. I don't think they'll collapse of course - with the revenues they have that won't happen. But I think we will overtake them. And I think if they can't see that they are blind.
That sounds about right i'd say, that's what I meant about them not collapsing, because of their revenue. We will of course outspend them and out bid them too, you're right there. For me personally though, 'knocking them off their perch' can only be counted just that when we surpass their trophy haul. So their 19th title officially knocked Liverpool off perch, but then of course there is the immediate glory to be had, the bragging rights of that season. This time next year I am more than confident we will have the bragging rights for that season, but the reaction of my rag mates now is typical of what will happen. 'you've only won one cup', is a common come back of theirs. They're right of course, we have, but that one cup will progress to many, in time. Their come back though will continue to be 'you've only won x amount of cups', until such a time we can come back with 'yeah, and thats more than you have won', which will take time. Thats how I perceive being knocked off their perch.

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