Neymar claims Scotland fans are racist

another long winded post to try and defend your position, lets be clear see the link below

The quote near the bottom says

"The entire stadium was jeering. This atmosphere of racism is totally sad"

No reference to the banana incident etc, you seem to want to ignore this and the statements from all the officials there who said there was no racial atmosphere and comended the Scottish support.

I think we need to look at one of your statements from earlier...

"Frankly, judging by the denial induced responses I have seen on this topic, I'd bet my mortgage the Banana chucker was a Scot and not a Brazilian"

I think that statement says it all and you cannot and will not look at the evidence as it stands and admit your views are completely wrong, there is more chance of finding a scottish banana thrower at the Emirates...therefore I think there is no more to say on this issue and that is a FACT
Brazil international Neymar has confirmed he will not lodge an official complaint following alleged racism in Sunday's friendly with Scotland.

The teenage sensation scored twice in the international friendly at Emirates Stadium, but the event was tarnished somewhat after a banana was thrown on the pitch

Neymar, who plays for Santos, has labelled the incident a one-off and he is now looking forward to returning home to Brazil.
In the past When asked if he was planning an official complaint, he told Sky Sports News: "No. That's in the past. "I'll go back to Brazil now and have already forgotten about it.

"If it was Scottish or if it wasn't, we cannot prove. It was one isolated case. Life goes on.I hope whoever did it will think about it, and not do it again.

"It shouldn't happen anywhere. It doesn't take away my happiness of the performance."

The youngster came under fire from Scottish fans as they took exception to his perceived playacting, although he has defended his style of play.I did my job, went and played," he continued. "Supporters come to the stadium either to support you or go against you."The two times that I fell down, I got two knocks - one in knee and one in face. I did my job and have nothing to say after that

I expected such a pretense laden response. Neymar's comments are in red. This shouldn't be too much for you to read. As for my comments, it was in response to the "It came from the Brazilian section" garbage that was being pushed here. Certainly commonsense suggest it is unlikely it was Brazilian, and more likely a Scot. Someone supporting the team the black kid just scored against! This is common sense. But i noticed Europeans often eschew common sense when racism comes up.

As for the 'alleged Banana thrower" we have been told "he was a German Tourist" "who had no racist intent." How convenient. we don't know his name, haven't seen his picture, have no comments regarding his explanation of what his non-racist intents were, but everyone is satisfied this is not a cover up to save face.

Out here in the States we find such factless claims suspicious. But lets not mix issues. we can deal with my insolence separately. Lets focus on Neymar's and rid ourselves of any assumptions. It is clear from the red what he is referring to. Even if you are trying really hard to ascribe more relevance to a report that was specifically about the Scottish FA's denial of claim that was never made. Again just follow the red highlights- It is Neymar talking about the racism he witnessed.
I don't think there is much to add you won't change your views in so far as there was no racist atmosphere...cover up my arse.

I love the "Out here in the States we find such factless claims suspicious" bit.....where 4 police officers can be acquitted of beating the sh!t out of a black "suspect" hahaha think you should deal with your own countries racism without commenting of any percieved racism elsewhere.

goodbye and have a nice day y'all
Ayrshire-Blue said:
I don't think there is much to add you won't change your views in so far as there was no racist atmosphere...cover up my arse.

I love the "Out here in the States we find such factless claims suspicious" bit.....where 4 police officers can be acquitted of beating the sh!t out of a black "suspect" hahaha think you should deal with your own countries racism without commenting of any percieved racism elsewhere.

goodbye and have a nice day y'all

Of course there was a racist atmosphere. An atmosphere where a Banana thrower was allowed to do such without condemnation, and where the FA is more interested in denying allegations as opposed to condemning the act, is an atmosphere that foster racism.

Notice how you have not spent one second condemning the racist act, but rather focused your energy on slicing the semantics of what constitutes "a racist atmosphere." This in itself is quite telling. Wholesale denials of racism is by definition dumb. It is equivalent to wholesale denials of criminality. No one can say with a straight face that their are no criminals or thugs amongst their kind.

This is the equivalent of claiming the Tartan Army is not racist. Clearly a majority of humans are not blatantly racist, but this dose not preclude racist from existing in any group. Rather than educate on this point, and condemn the act, you are more focused on denying its existence.

So you thought he was talking about the booing. Now he has told you he was talking about the Banana. What is your response? "There was no racist atmosphere." This in itself is telling!!! The denial is deeply embedded in your psyche. And frankly it mimics the response your FA has to racism in general. Not to condemn, but to disassociate, deny and then accuse the victim by misconstruing his comments as best you possibly can. Even when those comments have been re-asked, clarified and re-presented for your simple consumption.

Like I said, it's fuking Epic!!!
Dax777 you are a racist.

Black and white people are equal.
Throwing a banana at a black person is a "racial attack" which makes front page news.
Throwing a banana at a white person is nothing, no one cares.

How is that equal?
So by differentiating between the 2 skin colours that would make you a racist would it not? Treating 1 skin colour different to another is pretty much the definition of racism.

Plus do you really think this german fan decided he would travel all the way to england to watch the football and hope a black player comes neer him so he can throw a banana at them? If so, you are an arse.
Ayrshire-Blue said:
Oh dear Dax now without knowing me you know what is "embedded in my psyche".....hahaha clueless
My apologies. I was referring to your internet persona's psyche. But then again, I assumed it was a fair representation of your actual psyche! :P<br /><br />-- Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:45 pm --<br /><br />
20sbc07 said:
Dax777 you are a racist.

Black and white people are equal.
Throwing a banana at a black person is a "racial attack" which makes front page news.
Throwing a banana at a white person is nothing, no one cares.

How is that equal?
So by differentiating between the 2 skin colours that would make you a racist would it not? Treating 1 skin colour different to another is pretty much the definition of racism.

Plus do you really think this german fan decided he would travel all the way to england to watch the football and hope a black player comes neer him so he can throw a banana at them? If so, you are an arse.
You exhibit the capacity to understand complexity at the level of a 6 year old. It is hard to talk to anyone with such a far gone sense of rational adult speak.
Dax777 said:
20sbc07 said:
Dax777 you are a racist.

Black and white people are equal.
Throwing a banana at a black person is a "racial attack" which makes front page news.
Throwing a banana at a white person is nothing, no one cares.

How is that equal?
So by differentiating between the 2 skin colours that would make you a racist would it not? Treating 1 skin colour different to another is pretty much the definition of racism.

Plus do you really think this german fan decided he would travel all the way to england to watch the football and hope a black player comes neer him so he can throw a banana at them? If so, you are an arse.
You exhibit the capacity to understand complexity at the level of a 6 year old. It is hard to talk to anyone with such a far gone sense of rational adult speak.

In other words you realise you're wrong and try to hide it by not answering my question.
20sbc07 said:
Dax777 said:
You exhibit the capacity to understand complexity at the level of a 6 year old. It is hard to talk to anyone with such a far gone sense of rational adult speak.

In other words you realise you're wrong and try to hide it by not answering my question.
No! I realize you are more interested in being childish, thus I ignored your feeble attempts to obfuscate the issue with extraneous information.

If you lack the capacity or willingness to understand the relevance of a banana being thrown at a black player in a football game, then that is your problem. I neither have the patience nor willingness to explain it to you. Feel free to wallow in your own self delusional myopia.<br /><br />-- Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:01 pm --<br /><br />
Ayrshire-Blue said:
Not for one minute suggesting that there are no racist Scots, I am merely pointing out, like most on here, that there was no racial abuse by the Tartan Army of the diving wee sh!t Neymar.

I am old enough to remember the distasteful abuse Vic Kasule, one of the first black players in Scotland, got when playing for Albion Rovers in the eighties, and also the banana throwing and monkey chanting that greeted Mark Walters when he signed for Rangers bay opposition fans, however I would say that this has died out in the Scottish game, I haven't seen heard any evidence of it at Scottish grounds, however I am also not niaive enough to think that there are no sad pathetic racists in Scotland.

Fuk me! It turns out I have something to apologize for afterall :( You actually showed a modicum of fairness earlier on. Oh well! But that said, you are still wrong for not acknowledging that a racist act occurred. I am disappointed :(

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