But Ricster, you do realize that unlike me, Neymar actually did not accuse the Scots of racism. Not in a single comment of all the comments he made was this the case. The Scottish FA '
alleged' (incorrectly and probably on purpose) that Neymar accused the Tartan Army of Racism. This allegation was inferred from slicing portions of his comments together to imply he is so dumb as to not know that foreign supporters do not cheer for the opposition. Nor did Neymar ever claim the Banana thrower was a Scot. So it is a far fetched and quite frankly strenous allegation on the part of the denial interested Scottish FA.
Here are his direct quotes without the editorialized insinuations of a partial party
If it was Scottish or if it wasn't, we cannot prove. It was one isolated case. Life goes on.I hope whoever did it will think about it, and not do it again.
Seeing as Neymar was the actual victim in this incident, something the Scottish FA has bent backwards to obscure. If anything, he should be receiving the apology. And at the worst a condemnation of the act by all parties. I have yet to see a condemnation of the act. It seems everyone is more interested in proving they are not involved in an act the victim has seen fit not to accuse anyone of!!
One would presume, and I may be wrong here, that the normal course of action would be for all involved or associated with the particular game or otherwise, to roundly condemn the act itself. As opposed to expressing of strained contempt towards the victim, based on a perceived accusation that can only be inferred by stretching the meaning and context of the victim's words, in spite of the careful nature of his utterances and repeat, and clear reproductions of his position. :(
Perhaps Neymar should apologize to the Scottish FA for not accusing the Tartan Army of an act perpetrated on him, thereby making it harder for the Scottish FA to accuse him of accusing the Tartan Army of what he didn't accuse them off. Now that is an apology, I'd totally get behind :P
-- Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:40 pm --
Addam iz pro said:
Don't even try Dax. I went through the exact same thing for about 4 pages with 20sbc07 on the i want neymar at city thread and got nowhere. I agree completely with what you said and told him much of the same. If it hadn't come out that it as the German tourist I would think it was him who did it judging from the responses he gave. He automatically hates Neymar on a personal level for "accusing" the Scottish (which he never did). Just ignore him and move on.
Oh! I ignored the childish one already. :)