No Adam Johnson?


Well-Known Member
27 Jun 2009
Here, there, and every fucking where
What does he need to do to be assured a place in the starting 11? Fair enough for starting Theo against Bulgaria last friday evening. During that match Theo played ok, he was brought off, AJ went on and within 5 minutes he had scored, and England were 3-0 up. If i were him i would be really pissed off at not being picked tonight. What the hell does he have to do to be guaranteed a place in the starting 11 guys? Im not saying this as im a blue, just honest, like i said, theo in my eyes was right to start against Bulgaria, but what does he have to do here, now, tonight to play, its just beyond me.
Walcott showed us once more vs Bulgaria that he is terrible in a 4-4-2. He plays in a completely different position for arsenal than he does for england, whereas the right midfield position for england is perfect for AJ...

No doubt Walcott will drift out of position, be crap for the team as a whole but nick another hattrick like against croatia, keeping AJ out of the team for the rest of his career...
Doubt Walcott will do much against a very organised Swiss side, can't see them allowing him much space behind the defence. So really it should've been Johnson.
King Geedorah said:
Doubt Walcott will do much against a very organised Swiss side, can't see them allowing him much space behind the defence. So really it should've been Johnson.

Totally agree there mate. They play 6 defenders, you need someone with the ability to run and take people on, i feel AJ is much better that theo.
imo aj should start tonight. walcott is too lightweight against a very tough and rigid swiss side who are very sturdy. i think to really unlock their defence we need the bit of genius and skill aj offers, as opposed to bullet speed with little end product (oh he's had 3 good games one of which was against blackpool, big whoop)
They will play Walcott until he has a blockbuster game so that they can justify playing him for 5 more years of wank performances. It's becoming Lampard-esque.

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