North Manchester

I'm originally from South Manchester as are my family but we moved to North Manchester when I was 9 or so, it isn't so bad. Only soft arses would say it's rough, I like to think of it as colourful and eventful.
Stanley said:
mackenzie said:
You live in Totty?

I'm in Elton.

Erm, Elton the same Elton that the Nehevilles come from?

Yes. The Dad used to live just down the road from us and the kids went to the secondary school that is 10 mins walk away.
texas pete said:
North Manc is horrid and should be set afloat.

Dwellers say likkle and bokkle.

Don't even get me on to Oldham.

NM - Land that time forgot.

No they don't. I have never said likkle or bokkle in my life!!
Joycee Banercheck said:
mackenzie said:
No they don't. I have never said likkle or bokkle in my life!!
It's something that can be sorted out at the hospickle anyway.

They do say Buzz for bus though.But even they are a vanishing breed.

It's dead odd this. When I meet my ex Mancs relations (now scattered around the UK but brought up in Manc) they say I am broad Bury in my lingo, but the natives here can still here my Manc accent. They quite often say I am from Salford (then I educate them obviously).

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