North Stand Expansion | Configuration plans revealed by club (p 1285)

What you guys are missing is that this was our very last chance to create a proper city end. Our very own Kop or yellow wall. These plans aren’t close to achieving that objective.

If people are fine with just a standard stand with a relatively little singing section at the back then fine but I think the vision for many involved with the fan groups was a blue wall which could become an iconic sight for the stadium.

The stand itself will look great and offer excellent facilities but ultimately it isn’t going to change the atmosphere within the stadium which is what many others wanted.

I just wonder how Dortmund fans would react if they were told the yellow wall would only be 3k(ish) standing capacity in future. I’m not sure they’d be bigging it up like some on here.
I’m in SS l1.
I reckon 50% of people in this standing and singing area stand with their arms folded and never raise their voices.. they just prefer standing to watch football.
I’m assuming it’ll be the same in the new north stand.
I think today's announcement is far from perfect, but a lot can still be done with it.

Think a lot of us would have preferred safe standing across all of NSL2 down to the front which would have been the best for atmosphere but sadly this won't happen. It is at least a good thing they've left it open for future expansion.

It will also be quite hard to convince many to move from SSL1 to the back of NSL2 as I doubt many would want to move so far away from the pitch. It's a shame there will be no rail seating at the front of NSL2 which I think could've been a more viable move for many from SSL1, though maybe in future rail seating will reach nearer the front.

Looking at the positives, there must be many ST holders/potential ST holders who want to be in a rail seating area but simply can't afford the SSL1 prices, so this area will be perfect for them. I think they'll be no problem getting 3000+ to move to NSL2, particularly those who currently stand or want to stand in SSL3 but can't "officially." If demand from the off is above the initial 3000, I hope they add extra rail seating rows straight away so everyone who wants a rail seat can get one. Shouldn't be hard to do.

Hopefully over time the amount of people standing at the rear of NSL2 will spread down from the planned rail seating areas, like how people have began to stand at the back of SSL3, so the club could expand the rail seating closer to the bottom of the tier.

It is a start towards a vocal North stand, and I hope fans embrace it, the sound under that roof could be pretty special.

As a member hoping to get an ST next summer, hope they announce the amount being released, and that they are proper season tickets rather than the £150 extra flexi gold rip offs. Agree with 1894 should be at least 70% of the additional capacity should be season tickets, we've not had a proper release in years.
I've just skim read most of this but it seems the size of the rail seating section, is not being looked at objectively by some.

Some say there is interest from people in the South Stand but they wont move because the standing section isn't big enough. The club are saying it will be bigger, if the demand is big enough. The problem could be that those in the South Stand are saying they will but are unwilling to commit to it our of fear of losing their seat in the South Stand. In the event that the North Stand expansion turn outs to be not what they wanted. City could be looking for concrete commitment before they green light more rail seating.

Also, yes push for the rail seating section to be as big as possible, to help the atmosphere but be aware of the balance the club have to juggle. Since we know the family end is there, there are different concerns and demographics that club are trying to cater to or manage. Unless they can move the family end to one of the East or West stands(probably not happening, I don't know why they put it there in the first place), then some people are being pretty unrealistic in their expectations.

I agree 3k seems a small number, but what number were some expecting? 5k would be around 63% of the 8k they are adding. I think the best thing to do, is hold the club on what they said about expanding that 3k first. Get that as high as possible from the off, then make it stand out and create more demand to expand it further. I could be wrong but 5k seems workable.

I must admit though, I question how many people thought 'breakout rooms' and 'religious rooms' would be a great use of space for football fans in the stadium though. Why are either of those so important on a match day?
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Maybe if the club had done their own research and surveyed the fans instead of 1894 having to do it then they might have more of an idea as to how much demand there is for safe standing in that area. Then again, they couldn’t even be bothered surveying those who are currently in Level One of the North Stand for their views FFS.

I also note that you say how is having 3000 safe standing spaces more corporate. Well, considering it’s supposed to be an atmosphere stand - and the club have gone big on the atmosphere thing in their announcement today - then I happen to think that figure is on the low side. Also, if the club are keen to place the emphasis on atmosphere then I’d be interested to know which clown came up with the idea of over 600 GA+ corporate/semi-corporate seats placed front and centre of the stand, while at the same time saying they want 1894 in there as anchor tenants. Aside from the fact that you would never see Dortmund, for example, plonk hundreds of GA+ seats slap bang in the middle of their Yellow Wall, did it not occur to anybody at the club that that is almost certainly where 1894 would be doing their displays?

Now I can’t tell from the club’s announcement today if they’re still going ahead with the GA+ idea or if they’ve binned it off/moved it elsewhere so I’m going to reserve further judgement on that for now. However, the lack of detail in today’s announcement regarding season tickets, number of season tickets, type of season tickets, and the price of season tickets in the new stand doesn’t fill me with confidence that the composition of the stand will be conducive to a great atmosphere. I hope my pessimism on that is misplaced.
Well said @M18CTID

As @jrb advised there needs to wider consultation about what happening, don't hold out much hope when City Stadium team is asking people to sign an NDA etc, massive overkill.

Stop listening to select focus groups and listen to what the fans want a proper home end with an atmosphere, the 1894 questionnaire was spot on.

By giving the ground a proper home end we can say bye-bye to certain old Man Utd keeper slagging off the atmosphere, if you do what the club are saying it will be the same old atmosphere

Well done for someone else mentioning the Yellow Wall
Question to you all.

Do you think there will be more demand for 3000 safe standing seats on NSL2?

Factor in 50,000 match going City fans now. And then factor in 8000 new City fans.

When exactly is club going to increase the NSL2 safe standing capacity after the relocation window opens, if the 3000 safe standing seats are taken up straight away?

Exactly what is the maximum cut of point for safe standing seats on NSL2?

4000? 5000? It won't go any higher than that.
Question to you all.

Do you think there will be more demand for 3000 safe standing seats on NSL2?

Factor in 50,000 match going City fans now. And then factor in 8000 new City fans.

When exactly is club going to increase the NSL2 safe standing capacity after the relocation window opens, if the 3000 safe standing seats are taken up straight away?

Exactly what is the maximum cut of point for safe standing seats on NSL2?

4000? 5000? It won't go any higher than that.
Nobody knows the answer to any of those , but if people refuse to work with the club because of some fanciful 7/8000 figure we might never find out. If people don’t fill the 3000 how and by how many it increases we’ll never know. Fill the 3000 and see what happen.Refuse to move because of silly red lines and they don’t get filled maybe the number decreases.

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